♡15: Panic

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Dinner ran smoothly like always. There was the occasional tease from each twin, but for the most part, it was very pleasant and peaceful. Following dinner, I assumed would be a well deserved rest. The twins insisted I head on upstairs while they help clean the table. I had never expected them to be so helpful, but assumed they were doing it to impress me in some way. I went up into Hikaru's room and threw myself down on the bed staring up at the ceiling. The bed sheets were saturated in his scent and I felt overcome by the fragrance.

I heard the door open, and Hikaru walked in. I watched him kick off his shoes and head over to his dresser. He didn't say a single thing to me to me nor offer me a glance. What was up suddenly? He started to remove his shirt and I froze wide eyes, "Don't change! I'm in here!" I exclaimed.➳ gif

He looked over his shoulder with a smirk. He knew all along. Old Hikaru was back, "Would you like to change me?" He asked, coming forward.

My eyes nearly bolted from my eyes sockets, "No!" I growled.

His smirk grew as he removed his shirt completely, and examined my expression which was completely shocked and slightly embarrassed. He tossed the shirt aside and pushed me back onto the bed, so he was hovering over me. He had me pinned, "This is me correct?" he asked, mocking my words from before.

"Go change," I murmured, looking away from his radiance.

Lifting his hand. he guided my face back to his and leaned in just a little bit closer, "Why do you always look away?"

"Go change," I repeated.

"Answer me," he commanded.

"Go," I growled.

"No," He whispered, "Please answer."

"You're breath-taking okay?!" I growled, "Anytime you do these things, I get... I get this funny feeling and it makes me uncomfortable!"

He chuckled, and pressed his lips against my forehead," You're beautiful as well, Yankee." He said lifting himself off of me and walking back to the dresser.

Beautiful? What about me could possibly be beautiful? I rolled over and curled up into a ball like I always did when I sulked. If he did actually continued to change, I didn't wanna get a nose bleed watching. I heard the bathroom door close, and the shower start. Lifting my head, I assumed he had planned the whole thing. He fooled me so easily.

Kaoru walking in shortly after and my face turned red, "Don't tell me you're going to change in front of me too." I whined.

He looked at me confused and then smiled, "Just look away if you don't want to watch."

My face turned even redder and I turned my whole body to face the wall that was above the head of Hikaru's bed. My arms were crossed and my face was rose red, but I was pouting. Why? His words echoed in my head, and I felt him wrap his arms around my shoulders and set his head on top of mine. Now he was shirtless...

I was right, everything they did; Kaoru's approach was much more gentle then Hikaru's. My eyes shimmered beneath the annoyance that spread across my face, "What are you thinking right now?" he asked, and I came back to reality.

"What, does it matter?" I asked.

"When it comes to you, everything matters to me. Your mind is a beautiful thing, and I wish you'd share it with me, so please, what are you thinking?" His words were so soothing I almost choked.

"How much you mean to me." I muttered.

"Hmmm," I heard him whisper, "And how much is that?" he wondered.

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