♡20: A Life Lesson

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  • Dedicated to My Readers

A Life Lesson


The next morning, I woke up to the aroma of breakfast. I sat up and noticed that Hikaru was no where in sight. Strolling into the kitchen, he grinned at me while putting together two plates of food. Had he really made breakfast? "Was about to come wake you up," he stated, filling a couple of glasses with orange juice.

"Did you make this?" I asked, looking at the spread of pancakes, eggs, bacon and croissants.

He laughed, "Who else could have?" he asked.

"You can cook?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I guess that's for you to decide." He replied with a smirk, and kissed me on the lips.

"You're acting rather charming this morning." I noticed suspiciously, "You know my birthday's not until tomorrow."

He lifted my chin to meet his gaze," If you'd honestly prefer me to treat you like a toy, I will." he teased, "and just because it's tomorrow, doesn't mean anything. I have a whole day planned for us, so let's eat. You'll need you strength." he said with a wink.

As he turned to set the table, I murmured, "Thank you Hikaru." he paused, and looked over his shoulder.

"You treat thank you's like sorry's. You'll have to prove to me how thankful you are later." his grin had never looked more devious.

I shook my head and sat down at the table, enjoying the nice spread that he had created. It was expectantly really good. It made me wonder how he accomplished such a task when he was so used to being waited on hand and foot.

"So what about these plans for you?" I questioned, fearing the answer.

He was nibbling on a piece of bacon, and then he grinned, "Well, we've never gone swimming before, so I figured, why not?"

"Swimming in fall?" I asked. "You're crazy, we'll freeze."

"Indoor pool." He corrected, and my face lost all pigment, "What's the matter wit swimming? Afraid of me seeing you in a bathing suit or something?" he asked dryly, taking a swig of his orange juice.

Well that was certainly one of the reasons, "There's nothing wrong with it..."

"You should know better than try to lie to me Yankee." He said, lowering his head to look more devious.

I didn't know what to say, I mean, I couldn't just tell him. I know his reaction would be something completely sarcastic and rude...like always, "I'm not lying." I said after a pause.

His eyebrow perked, and he tilted his head. Slowly, he stood up, and that's when I knew he was coming over to physically drag it out to me.

"Okay! Okay!" I surrendered, as soon as his foot landed the first step. "Sit down!" I instructed, and slowly he sat down, leaning in to hear my response.

"I..." I muttered. "I can't swim..." I confessed in a whisper.

I heard him chuckle a little, which caused my eyes to look straight at him, "That's good." he said.

Now I was confused, "How?"

"Cause then, I get to teach you." he said with a large toothy grin.

My heart leapt up into my throat. Hikaru, touching my half naked body, in a pool, to help me learn the backstroke?! I felt a chill go up my spine as I started eating a croissant.

"Why're you so worried?" He asked.

"I..." I looked up into his eyes and were captivated by them, "I'm not sure."

『Three's A Charm』『OHSHC』*EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now