♡22: Confession

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"Find what makes you happy in life, and never let it go, no matter how hopeless it may seem."

For some reason that morning, grandpa's last words seem to repeat themselves in my mind. It felt like something important in my life was being pulled away, like the twins. I was trying too hard to hold onto it. So hard that it brought pain to me, and the people I loved. I tried to smile through breakfast as we sat there, and ate, but it was quiet, and I could just tell they were analyzing my every movement, just waiting to ask what was bothering me.

Today was Kaoru's day, I couldn't ruin this for him. After we ate, Hikaru called his limo early, so he could head out before us. I expected him to blow me off like he had done so many time before he grew jealous, but he was actually acting pretty normal, for Hikaru anyway. He said his goodbyes, and pressed his lips against my forehead, before turning to leave. I extended my hand to grab his wrist and pulled him back. He was stunned, but I wasn't ready for him to leave yet. I wanted to hold him. He didn't resist, he just couldn't, because deep down, he didn't wanna walk away either.

This situation grew harder, and harder, and all I wanted to do was break into a million pieces in his arms. I wanted to cry, but I held it back, and smiled at him, before he kissed me on the lips, and headed for home. When I turned back to the spa, Kaoru leaned against the fence post smiling. He didn't seem irritated in the least. Somehow, that only made me feel worse.

When his limo pulled up, he opened the door for me, and I slid inside. The whole car ride to wherever we were going was actually much better than breakfast. He held me snugly, and while I was resisting the urge to cry, I was heavily intoxicated by his scent, which temporarily eased the pain within me. We'd say something once, and a while, but we had become so close that the exchange of words weren't needed. We already knew what each other was thinking. He could see the turmoil in my eyes. He could feel the hurt every time my heart beat.

When he held me tighter, I knew it was his way of taking the pain away. To bring me in so close that I'd no longer feel it, and all that would remain, was the sensation of his embrace. Kaoru was such a loving person. Could I be with him?

Once we got to our destination, he walked behind me with his hands over me eyes. I felt very disoriented without sight, and when he said we were about to go down some steps, I panicked. He was just joking with me to see my reaction, which was me ripping his hands away from my face. In front of me was a bunch of steps leading downwards. It was a bunch of bleachers, that were facing a huge indoor skate rink. The ceiling was decorated with a lovely scene of the night sky. My heart fluttered with the butterflies, "Kaoru, I can't skate." I muttered.

"You'll learn." he teased, moving my hair to kiss my cheek.

"But," I started to protest, but he placed an index finger over my lips.

"I'll teach you. I promise you won't get hurt." He had me as soon as he ran fingers down my cheek. I melted.

He treated me like child, as he laced up my skates on my feet, like I had forgotten how to tie shoes. I watched him work, as I pulled my hair up into a ponytail, "Why skating, out of curiosity?" I asked.

"Anything that gives me an excuse to hold you seems like a winning situation to me." he replied, finishing up my second skate. I found it sort of humorous. He was so sweet. He rolled me over to the entrance of the skate rink, and I was already feeling off balance.

"I don't like this..." I whined, and he just laughed.

"I have a question for you." He said, wheeling in front of me, and slowly pulling me along. I held onto him for dear life. This made him chuckle once again, "Why not just use those psychic abilities of yours to keep balance?"

『Three's A Charm』『OHSHC』*EDITING*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon