♡14: Hikaru's Song

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Hikaru's Song


Duffle bag at hand, Hikaru and I walked side by side with each other to the door. Kaoru met us halfway and he looked as happy as ever to see me; that in turn made me very happy as well. I thought the place looked huge outside, but once inside, it looked even bigger. Then something hit me, "What about their parents?"  all the color drained from my face, "Say guys, did your parents say it was okay for me to come over?"

"They're never home really, they're always working." Kaoru replied.

"Oh," I said, feeling kind of guilty for bringing it up.

"Come on, you can put your stuff in my room." Kaoru said, taking my hand.

"I claim her for the night Kaoru," Hikaru protested with a voice that sent chills up my spine.

"Hikaru, how's that fair?" questioned Kaoru.

"Wait a second," I interrupted, "don't I get my own room?"

They came together, fingers laced and heads down low, which gave them both the most devious look, "We want you to ourselves." They both hissed in unison.

My face turned red and I sighed. There was no getting out of it, "Alright." I agreed.

They both looked at me shocked, "What's the matter Yankee? You never make things this easy."

"Who said it'd be easy?" I questioned, "You two have to decide who I stay with tonight." I said walking on passed them, now with my own jagged smirk that they couldn't see.

Of course, they decided to fight fire with fire, "Or we could all share a bed again." They answered together.

My face flushed, "Can someone just show me where I can set this down?" I asked without looking back at them.

"Of course," said Kaoru, taking my hand in his once more. He led me upstairs to the bed room, "This is Hikaru's room."

"I thought..." I started to say before he cut me off.

"Well, I just figured since I usually crawl into bed with him, that we'd all be staying the night in here," he said smiling at me. He then took my bag from me and set it down on the bed, before moving over to me and hugging me tightly, "Thank you for coming."

I was surprised, "Don't mention it Kaoru, I love being with you two." There's that word again.

He looked at me and nodded, "We usually eat dinner in about an hour, is there anything you'd like to do?"

"Would it be rude to ask if I could shower?" I asked.

He leaned in and whispered into my ear," As long as Hikaru and I get to join you." My heart stopped, "I'm kidding." He said with a small laugh, patting my head, which jump started my heart again, "Yes, go right ahead. Use Hikaru shower," He said pointing behind him where a door was.

"Not gonna ask how many times this has been both of you shower." I mumbled and he smirked.

"Would you like me to get Hikaru up here?" He asked teasingly.

 "Please don't," I growled, "He wouldn't be kidding."

His smiled turned genuine and he pressed his lips against my forehead, "Come downstairs once your done, okay?"

I gave a quick nod and he walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. Now I was alone. Walking over to my bag, I retrieved a pair of sweat pants and a tank top, and then went into the bathroom.

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