Valentine Special: XOXO

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For people wanting an extra on Chelsea's love life! 


The Host Club was dealing with lots of screaming and fainting fan girls when that time came...

Valentine's Day

Well, not exactly, but White Day.

Japan was very different from the beginning I enrolled here at Ouran. The girls gave numerous amounts of chocolate to their desired host and they received many confessions on this day. The Third Music Room was filled with red, pink, and squeals. Tamaki was seducing his clients (as always), Kyouya gave photo books, Honey and Mori ate their cilent's chocolates with them, Haruhi made heart-shaped cards with her girls, and the Hitachiin twins made their 'forbidden love' to the next level.

"Oh, Kaoru, you seem to have  chocolate smeared on your face."

"Where Hikaru?" He said, putting his hands towards his face.

"Right here." Hikaru leaned forward and sucked chocolate off his nose.

"Kyaa!" Their clients suffered nosebleeds, faints, hardcore squealing, and massive headaches.

It's been a 2 months since Hikaru and Kaoru confessed their love to me. I smiled at that thought while I was making cards with Haruhi. The girls don't know anything about our forbidden relationship. We had times together that people with 'normal' relationships won't have and been in love ever since. Nothing can break with what we have.

"Hey, Haruhi?" I whispered to her.

She turned her face towards me and put the heart-shaped card down, "What is it Chelsea?"

I smiled, leaned towards her ear and cuffed my hands, so nobody would hear, "Do you have anyone special in mind?"

She leaned back a bit, with a faint blush across her cheeks. "!" Her eyes darted towards Tamaki  and looked back at me. "What do you mean someone special?"

Ha! She liked Tamaki despite the way she pushes him away!

"Oh, nevermind." I waved her off and continued making my cards.

『Time Skip』

The Host Club was over from the Valentine/White Day special and I was currently cuddled up with the twins on the couch. Blondie kept rambling about how special White Day was to him.

"Ah, White Day! A day where lovers share the most cherished memories on this day with chocolate!" Tamaki waved his arms out and about as everyone listened to his 'special announcement'.

"Chelsea, you might of had White Day from from where you're from?" Kaoru asked, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, we didn't have White Day, but I'm sure we have Valentine's Day in February 14. Not March 14. Valentine's Day is similar to White Day and a month back from this holiday." I smiled towards Kaoru.


 "Haruhi~! Do you have something special for Daddy?" Tamaki squealed waving his arms like an idiot.

"No." She deadpanned and Tamaki was sent to his little corner of woe.

"You know, since it is White Day, where are our chocolates Chelsea?" The twins peered over me, waiting for an answer.

"No, but I have this!" I smiled as I waved the card I made with Haruhi and her clients.

I gave it to them and watched their reaction to what I made for them. They were surprised I haven't given them homemade chocolates, but instead a red, heart-shaped card. I peered over their shoulders as they opened their card. 

XOXO - I love you with all my heart! 

"Aw, we love you with all our heart as well." They both said in unison, and kissed my cheeks.


A/N: eh, i tried.. i had no ideas for this, but at least i gave y'all a VALENTINE SPECIAL!♡♡♡

and it's kinda rushed in my opinion.. i'll try adding more to this if i have the time ._. sry if it's cheesy 

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