Sonic in the City

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Sonic falls from the city in the middle of the road. He lays on the road unconsciously, until a truck rushes towards him. The hedgehog finds himself in a road filled with heavy traffic. Because of this, Sonic becomes confused by his surroundings by looking at the tall buildings. People around are also stunned at seeing a blue hedgehog in return.

"Where am I? What are they all staring at?" Sonic said as he looked at the citizen staring at him.

"What is this Halloween?" the truck driver said.

"So they can talk, huh?" Sonic said.

The police arrived to the scene.

"What the hell is that thing?" said the police officer.

"It looks like some type of hedgehog. A blue one that is." said the other police officer.

"Well, whatever it is, we better get it out of here. Don't worry folks, we'll get this animal thing out of the way." said the police officer.

"Hey, little buddy, you wanna ride down to the station with us?" the police officer said in a child-like voice.

"Should I call for backup?" said the other police officer.

"Nah, I got two kitty cats at home. I think I can handle this little fella." said the police officer as Sonic shrugs at him with his arms fold.

"Oh this one got an attitude and a bad one." said the other police officer.

"Yeah, well he won't get away from me." said the police officer as he tries to grab Sonic, but you he missed him.

The five policemen surrounded Sonic and try to jump on him, but he was quick as a flash and the policemen missed him again. Sonic was on top of a car and a police man had a big net to capture him, before once again taking off to the road.

 Sonic was on top of a car and a police man had a big net to capture him, before once again taking off to the road

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"Attention all units. Attention all units. A blue large hedgehog is headed north on Central Street. Shut down all thoroughfares leading into and out of San Francisco and set up a road block to 101. Over." said the police officer.

As Tom was about to head home, he heard on his police scanner about the report on the blue hedgehog, but Tom thought it was a joke.

"I think these guys had a little bit too much coffee. Or maybe it's just a fancy new sports cars from overseas that has a hood ornament that looks like a hedgehog." Tom chuckled, until Sonic jumped on top of his hood and looks at Tom who was in a state of shock at the blue hedgehog.

"I don't know how I got here, but I gotta find a way to get out of here." Sonic said as he jumped off of Tom police car and took of running.

"I must be seeing this." Tom said

A Helicopter was chasing Sonic on the highway and the police set up roadblock covering a long rang of the highway using cruisers, barricades, and large constructive vehicles. 

"I got eyes on the hedgehog. Visual contact, subjects headed north on the Central Street extension about a mile and a half from the entrance to 101." said Delta 1.

"Roger Delta one unit. Unit three subject headed your way. Repeat subject is headed your way." said the Lieutenant.

"Don't worry this hedgehog can't get under was or through us. We'll stop him." said the police.

Sonic incredibly jumps over the entire roadblock with supersonic speed.

"Sonic Boom! He's moving faster than the speed of sound!" said the police officer.

"Well I'll damned.  At least didn't go over us or underneath us." said the other police officer.

However, Sonic is unable to stop himself before he runs off the end of an unfinished overpass. His speed is so great that he actually soars for awhile and triggers nearby wind turbines to spin faster. Looking down at all the beautiful bright city lights.

"Maybe this place isn't so bad after all." Sonic said.

At Chris house, Chris see Sonic as a shooting star and he lands at a junkyard nearby the neighborhood. Chris calls his friend, Jesse to tell him a shooting landing at a junkyard.

"Jesse? Jesse, listen to me. Listen. A shooting star has landing near the junkyard." Chris said to a tired Jesse on the phone.

"What are you talking about, man?" Jesse yawned.

"A fallen star just landed here. I think I'm gonna wish for Sarah to go out with me and I'm gonna go out and find it and take a picture of it so I can get proof." Chris said as he hung up.

Chris quietly sneaks out of the house, putting on his blue hoodie and use his mom's old bicycle, since he can't drive his car.

"Gotta find the star. Gotta find the star." Chris said as he peddling faster to the junkyard.

As Sonic sits at the junkyard, Sonic was looking up at the stars in the sky and wondering where his friends are.

"I guess Chaos Control sent me here. I traveled through space. Did I travel through time, too? Am I the only one, here? Are all the others gone? Well, I guess I'll find out soon enough." Sonic said as he heard Chris opening the gate to the junkyard.

As Chris tries to find the fallen star, he sees Sonic and he's in shock and horror at the blue hedgehog.

"What the hell is that? Oh my god." Chris said to himself.

Chris pulls out his phone and records a message: 

"My name is Chris Thorndyke. Whoever finds this, I just wanna show you this. I think I see an alien, and they're real, okay? [Records Sonic on his phone] You saw that? It's not no fake CGI shit. If this alien gonna take me away or steal my brains. I just wanna say my last words on Earth, Mom, Dad, I love you, and if you see condoms in my room they're not mine. I'm holding them for Jesse. No no... okay so they're mine and Uncle Randy gave them to me on my 16th birthday.  I'm sorry. I love you." Chris said as he finished filming his message on his phone and all of sudden, Sonic appeared out of nowhere watching Chris filming himself.

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