Super Sonic

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Tails arrived at the scene, with his aircraft and the rest of the Air Force.

"We're coming, Sonic!" Tails yelled out for him.

"My plane won't take too much power, not with out a Chaos Emerald." Tails said to himself.

"Target insight" said the GUN pilot.

The air force attempt to attack, but the Eggsterminator easily destroys them.

"What the hell---" said the pilot as he was crash by the robot punch.

"Oh no!" Tails said as he saw the machine destroy the pilots.

"Wow this bad ass thing really is powerful." Eggman said.

Suddenly, a wounded Sonic walk towards the Eggsterminator and confront Eggman.

"Hey, Eggman! Listen up! I'm coming from Chris and the Emeralds so you better not try to stop!" Sonic said.

"How can Sonic survive with a pounding like that?" Bocoe said

"That hedgehog is more invincible than I thought. But not for long." Eggman said.

"Chris! I'm coming!" Sonic said as he continues walking over to robot.

Eggman uses an extra burst of energy on the robot and slam Sonic into the ground repeatedly.

"No!!! Stop!" Chris screamed.

"Bye, bye hedgehog." Eggman said as he made the robot punched an unconscious Sonic and slammed him into the sea.

" Eggman said as he made the robot punched an unconscious Sonic and slammed him into the sea

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Unable to bear the sight, Chris becomes more aggressive and unrestraint himself.

"Sonic!!" Chris scream as he breaks free and grabs the Emeralds.

"Why you little--" Eggman said to Chris.

Chris grabs the Chaos Emeralds as he screams on its powerful energy.

"My Emeralds!" Eggman said

"They're mine." Chris said as he holds on to the Emeralds.

"That boy just took all of the Chaos Emeralds out of the extreminator and without them this machine is powerless." Eggman said.

Knuckles starts gliding above the Eggsterminator and barges in to rescue Chris.

"Where is Chris?! I'm taking him with me." Knuckles said aggressively.

"Well if it isn't Knuckles, dropping by..." Eggman said cowardly.

Knuckles punch through Eggman's control.

"Now I'm gonna ask you one more time.. Where's Chris?!" Knuckles said again.

Rouge was carrying Chris with the Chaos Emeralds as she flies off. Then Rouge accidentally drops him and the Emeralds into the sea.

"Oh no! He made me drop the Emeralds." Rouge said.

The Eggsterminator grabs Chris and attempts to crush him. Suddenly, he see's a bright glow into the sea.

"What the god's name is that?" Eggman said.

"I don't know, but I don't think that's a good sign." Bocoe and Decoe said.

However, with all the seven in his possessions, Sonic is able to transform into Super Sonic.

"Is that Sonic?" Tails said.

Sonic first move is to mortally wound the Eggsterminator by reducing its fist holding in it to shrapnel. Eggman realize that all the seven Chaos Emeralds are in Sonic possession and they combine all its powers into Sonic.

Back in the city, Tom, Harold and the GUN officers are still in battle with the robots.

"Okay, everybody. Bring the rain." Tom said to the officers.

One of the GUN robots attempt to destroy everything in the city, but is killed by Tom and Tails with the Air Force before it can engage. Despite this, Tails, the Air Force, Tom and the GUN rangers manage to inflict serious damage on the Eggsterminator as makes its way in the city, but is still functional.

"Let Chaos Control, begin!" Eggman said.

"You're screwed now, Egghead." Sonic said.

As the malfunctioned Eggsterminator attempts to destroy Super Sonic with its remaining fist, the superpower hedgehog halts off its attack and destroys the Eggsterminator with in a matter of seconds.

"Well, Knuckles your wish came true, but I got unfinished business. Take this!" Super Sonic said as he slashes the machine.

Chris falls out of the robot's hand and Sonic catches him.

"Gotcha!" Super Sonic said as Chris holds on to Sonic.

"I knew you came back." Chris said.

"Hold on to me, Chris. It's gonna be a bumpy ride." Sonic said.

Super Sonic thrives through the damaged Eggsterminster with Chaos Control and it's completely destroyed as a big explosion erupts. Tom, Harold, Tails, Sarah, Cream, Cheese, Amy and the officers bright explosion overhead. 

"That can't be good." Tom said.

"It's Chaos Control. Everyone is going to be sucked in with us." Tails said.

"Hey, Sonic. What's happening?" Chris said as he still holding on to Super Sonic.

"Amy look!" Cream pointed at the bright light.

"What is that?" Sarah said.

"It's Chaos Control." Amy said.

"So does that mean you're going home?" Sarah asked.

Sonic The Hedgehog (Starring Noah Centineo)Where stories live. Discover now