Another Big Trouble

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All of them return to Chris's garage, but Chris wasn't pleased about them going out.

"I told you guys to stay in the garage!" Chris said.

"We just went out and find the Chaos Emerald, it was just only for the Emerald." Tails said.

"That doesn't matter right now, because you just made it on the news again and this time, you nearly destroyed a building." Chris said.

"Hey, that wasn't my fault, okay. Eggman was the one you release those missiles, you should be lucky that I stop that robot!" Sonic said.

"Well making a complete mess and those police and military officers could've capture you." Chris said.

"They can't catch me, I move through the speed of sound in five seconds." Sonic said.

"Well, you cause all of this. You stole my car and you got me grounded for months." Chris said.

"Well, I was just trying to have some fun--" Sonic said.

"This isn't fun and games, Sonic! You're not in your own world, anymore. In this world, we have rules, laws and have to pay consequences for that! Don't you get that?!" Chris yelled at Sonic.

"Get it. But, I guess I don't because I'm not human. Am I?" Sonic said as he turn his back on Chris after having a heated argument.

"And where the hell is Knuckles?" Chris said.

"Well, that Knuckles, he does things his way." Tails said.

"But, thanks for getting the Chaos Emerald, though." Chris said as he close the garage down.

"Don't you think you were being a little harsh on them, was I?" Chris asked Sarah.

Back at the police department, the Lieutenant got into a heated argument with Tom about not capturing Sonic.

"You had one job to do! One job!" said the Lieutenant.

"I tried, sire, but that thing was too fast to capture." Tom explained.

"I do not want to hear your excuses, Wachowski, you didn't do your job. Your father would not be pleased by this. You're on suspension until further notice." said Lieutenant said as Tom looks down sorrowing.

At night, a group of secret government agent were parked in front of Thorndyke residence as Chris and Sarah were having dinner with the parents. They heard a knock on the door as Daniel answer the door.

"Daniel Thornduck?" said the chief.

"It's Thorndyke. Who are you?" Daniel said.

"CIA, Garrett Seamer.  We worked for the government. Sector 6." Garrett said.

"Never heard of it." Daniel said.

"Never will. Your son is the grandson of scientist Chuck Thornduck, is he not?" Garrett said.

"It's Thorndyke." Daniel said.

"May we step in the premise." Garrett said..

"What the hell is going on here?" Daniel said.

"Your son filmed a alien being the other night. We think it's involved in an Extraterrestrial." Garrett said.

"Daniel, they're men around the house. What is all this? There's guys in suits all around the house. Look at this! They're pulling bushes out of the ground! Good lord! They better get their hands off my bush!" said the mother as she grabbed a bat.

"Easy, ma'am. Put down the bat." Garrett said.

Chris and Sarah came into the living room to see what was going on?

"What's this?" Chris said.

"How you doing, son? Is your name Chris?" Garrett said.

"Yes." Chris said.

"Did you filmed this other night?" the chief said as he showed him a video of Chris filming Sonic at the junkyard.

"Nope." Chris shook his head

"Are you sure, cause it looks like you. See? You gonna have to come with us." the chief paused the video on this face.

"No way. You're not taking my son. Im gonna have to call the cops if you don't back off." Daniel said as he stood up for his son.

"Sir, we found this in their bedroom and these in the garage." said the officer who found the six Chaos Emeralds in the garage.

"Hey, that's for my wife's anniversary." Daniel said.

"Bingo, we got something here! Tag them and bag them. Not just jewels. The family too." said the chief.

"No! Don't!" Chris said.

Chris, Sarah, his parents and his cat are taking into custody and threatening Chris with life imprisonment. 

"You hurt my son and my cat, i'll kick your ass." said the mother.

"Chris, don't say anything not until we get a lawyer." Daniel said as they both went into separated cars.

It turns out that Sonic, Tails, Amy and Cream and Cheese were hiding in Tail's new aircraft above house.

"Oh no, looks like Chris and Sarah are in trouble." Cream said.

"And they took the Chaos Emerald with them." Tails said.

"We got to follow them." Sonic said.

When Tom, arrived at his house he see's government agents at his house looking for him.

"Hey what the hell is going on here? Babe what happening?" Tom asked his wife.

"Tom Wachowski?" said the agent.

"Yeah?" said Tom.

"We need you to come with us." said the agent.

"Tom, what's going on?" Michaela asked while holding their daughter.

"I don't know, babe. I'll be right back. I promise." Tom said as he was taking into custody.

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