City Escape

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Sonic has been seen in a helicopter and being a suspect in handcuffs. The GUN officer tells Sonic that's he's been causing enough trouble here in San Francisco.

"This is mission control speaking, we verified your position, handle the suspect carefully he's a slippery little guy." said the chief.

"You're awfully quiet." said the GUN officer.

"For now, so what?" Sonic said.

"You and that mad men cause enough damaged downtown yesterday, and now we can't get two words out of you." said the GUN officer.

"Maybe I'm not feeling too damn chatty." Sonic said.

"You better watch that smart mouth Hedgehog or you'll be running laps in ten by nine cell." said the other GUN officer.

"As much as I like running laps, just not in a jailhouse." Sonic smirked.

Sonic, not wanting to be captured, breaks from the handcuffs and the helicopter.

"Hey, stop!" said the officer as Sonic jumps on the leg.

Sonic grabs a spare piece of metal from the leg and jumps out the helicopter. He does multiple backflips and spins as sound as he hit the ground to the city.

"We lost the hedgehog... again." said the officer.

"Damnit! I want that hedgehog and I want you take catch him now!" said the chief

Throughout the main outskirts of San Francisco, GUN are tracking down Sonic and sending more helicopters after him. He out runs them with super speed as he tries to loose the helicopters again.

 He out runs them with super speed as he tries to loose the helicopters again

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"Now that I lost them, now I gotta go and find my pals." Sonic said as he runs at the speed of sound to find his friend.

Back at Area 99, Tom thinks everyone should get out of here before Eggman finds the Chaos Emeralds.

"We got to get out of here. We stay here, we're screwed with Eggman and the E-99. San Francisco is 22 miles away. We're gonna get these Emeralds out of here and we gonna hid them somewhere safe." Tom said.

"Good right!" Secretary John said.

"But we cannot make a stand without the Air Force. Let's move!" Tom said.

"All right, Chris get your girlfriend and your little friends out of here." Tom ordered as they both rush out of here.

"I think I'll get the Chaos Emeralds." Rouge said.

"Oh no, you don't." Knuckles said.

"When we get to the city, we're gonna find a radio." Tom said.

Tails grab his aircraft and as well as Amy, Cream, Cheese, Knuckles, Chris and Sarah.

Maggie, Garret and the Secretary are manage to contact the Air Force and direct F22s to San Francisco.

"Set a perimeter around the aircraft!" Tom said as they were rushing out of here.

Then Eggman breaks into the base area.

"We gotta get out of here!" said the scientist as Eggman fire missiles inside the base.

"Wait! Wait! I gotta get the Chaos Emeralds!" Chris said as the got out of Tails aircraft and get the Chaos Emeralds.

"No, Chris, don't go!" Sarah said.

As soon, as he grab the Chaos Emeralds, Eggman magnetically grabbed them as Chris hold on to them as he was being carried up to the E-99.

"Hey, you brat. Let go of my Emeralds!" Eggman said to Chris said.

"No, they're not yours!" Chris said.

Chris is now held hostage with Eggman in the E-99.

"Chain him up!" Eggman order Bocoe and Decoe to tie him up.

"No! no! no!" Tom said as he seen Chris being capture by Eggman in the E-99.

Bokkun activates the E-99 and Eggman calls it The Eggsterminator. Eggman tears up the base and starts firing at people with it.

"We got to go!" Tails said.

"No! Not without Chris!" Sarah said.

"We'll get him later right now we need to make it out of here alive!" Tails said as he takes off flying out the Area99.

"Put your seatbelt on, Cream." Amy said.

Eggman leaves the Area 99 base with Eggsterminator with Chris on it.

"Let go cause some wreckage in the city." Eggman said with an evil laugh.

Sonic tries to find his friends, but he see's Tails aircraft above and he notice them.

"That's them." Sonic said as he turns around and chase after them.

Eggman chased after Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Sarah, Cream and Cheese in his Eggsterminator as Sonic chased them.

Eggman see's Sonic chasing after him through the Golden Gate Bridge.

"Looks like our little hedgehog is up for a chase. Let's see if I can see him on of my friends on the road. Eggman said as he dropped a robot on Sonic.

"Oh, boy." Knuckles said as he look down and saw Eggman send a robot at Sonic while chasing them.

"What? What is it?" Sarah said.

"Sonic is gonna get toyed down there." Knuckles said.

"Come on, Sonic. Break through them." Chris said.

Sonic use the ring Tails gave and does a super dash through the robot while still running.

"Yeah! That's what I'm talking about." Knuckles said.

"Oh my god." Sarah said.

"But, but.. Impossible!" Eggman said.

"Guess you got to get back to the drawing board." Sonic said while still running.

"Hell yeah, Sonic!" Chris said.

"Grr! Launch the cannonballs at the ship!" Eggman command as the cannonballs were aiming at Tails, Knuckles, Amy Sarah, Cream and Cheese.

"Hang on, everyone!" Tails said as he dodges the missiles 

Sarah, Amy and Cream were screaming, but they were safe from being hit by the missiles.

Back at Area 99. John, Maggie and Garret manage to contact the Air Force and direct F22s to San Francisco. 

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