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Adam is the one I'll be tying knots with? He had a girlfriend, he recently broke up with. I can only imagine his devastation.

I'd be damned if I said it didn't hurt when he promised to make my life hell, indirectly. He doesn't know I'll just be moving places, my life will remain the same.

I opened the door to my room and stepped inside. After Adam left, our parents announced that the wedding will be held next week. Stupid, right?

Nate was so upset  at me and avoided me like plague. He yelled at me because I couldn't stand up for myself. He doesn't know what it feels like to be unwanted and unloved. If it makes my parents happy, I'll do it even at the cost of my happiness.

Adam's been on my mind quiet often lately, I admit that I like him even though I don't know the reason behind this liking.

Anne was somewhat understanding after exploding from the anger. I appreciated her support.

I unzipped the dress and it fell causing it to pool around my feet. Everybody complimented me today, they praised the girl they saw dressed in a designer classy dress and a face full of make up not the girl who was hidden behind it.

Amelia apologized to me day. She said and I quote "Congratulations, Savannah. You were right, I was brought up to hate you. Please forgive me,  I was too blind to see your pain. I'm so sorry for everything." I forgave her, just like that.

Half of the time, I was so lost in myself, I didn't notice my surroundings. I didn't even want to look at my fiance, at first. The way my name rolled off his tongue made me shiver. I hope he bought my lie.

I have spent thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays alone for as long as I can remember. My family didn't even want to sit at the same table as me. Nate and Anne always invited me to spend such occasions with their family, I always politely declined. I didn't want to be a third wheel. 

I only celebrated my birthdays the day after at hospital which were also organized by both of my best friends.

I stepped away from the dress and started wiping my make up off with only one thought in my mind.

 Will I ever be happy?


I stirred in my sleep when I felt someone shaking me lightly.

"Savannah. wake up." Amelia's voice rang in my ears. 

I opened my eyes and sat up in the bed.

"What happened?" I asked groggily.

"It's uh, it's your wedding today." she said nervously.

"Oh." I sighed and an unsettling feeling twitched in the pit of my stomach.

"Your breakfast will be here in another ten minutes. Freshen up, your styling team is on their way." She cleared her throat awkwardly and was about to leave but my next words stilled her.

"I forgive you, Amelia." 

"What?" she turned out, a look of pure shock on her face.

"To err is human." I replied and walked to the bathroom without waiting for her reply.

After having my breakfast, which only consisted of orange juice, I was now surrounded by a swarm of people.

Taking a long relaxing bath, they gave me a new set of lingerie and a silk gown over it. My hair were styled in a loose side bun with a few tendrils adorning my face to give it a messy yet well ordered look. Amelia came time to time in order to check on me.

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