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It has been exactly ten days since Diana passed away and the Avenetti family is going through an extreme rough patch. Of course, it's not easy to lose a wife or a mother.

She went into another cardiac arrest that morning because she had been skipping her medicines for two days behind which nobody knows the reason about. And we can't know it now even if we wanted to.

Ivan has been so upset and quiet. He barely eats or comes out of his room. I vividly remember the day when just a few moments before dying, she asked me to call Ivan inside the room.


"I need you to relax please, have faith. You'll get out of this, we'll perform another surgery tomorrow." I tried to assure her but she only smiled at me in pride.

"Diana p-" she cut me off this time.

"Call Ivan inside." she demanded holding my hand.

After he came inside, the look on his face tugged at my heart. He looked so broken as if he, too, knew that nothing could save her.

"Stay with me." he cried holding onto her and her eyes watered at once.

"I can't. I don't have much time and I can't live a life like this, you know that very well. I can't be on bed or depend on medicines, that's not me." she sniffled at the end.

I was now standing at the far end of the room to give them their privacy.

"Savannah." she called out.

She looked extremely pale with those breathing tubes and IV attached to her, her face showed no colors. And even if I had spent a small amount of time with her, I loved her. A mother I couldn't have.

My eyes became teary but I had to blink them back, you can'y put your emotions on display in situations like these.

Upon reaching her, I smiled at her but knew that I failed given the sad look on her face.

"He's a tough one, Savannah I know that. It wasn't easy raising him either. He was stubborn, serious and more mature even when he was a kid. He always got his way but he never once ashamed or disrespected us. Adam is the best kid, both my sons are. You take care of this family since you're a part of it now too." She stated lovingly but weakly. Her grip on my hand tightening.

"Promise me, you'll take care of my son." She said and I looked at her dumbfounded. "Promise me, you'll never give up?" She pleaded with tears now rolling her down her cheeks.

"I promise." I replied and gulped. She smiled before closing her eyes for good.

Ivan chocked back a sob and I rushed to him. I hugged him and he cried for a few minutes before he pulled back.

"I am so sorry for your loss." I said to him holding back my own tears. He nodded and left without a word.


That promise kept ringing in my ears ever since that day hence the reason why I was standing in the middle of the living room with food spilled on the floor and a plate broken not so far away.

I sighed heavily and went back to the kitchen to prepare him another plate. This happens everyday now but not today. Adam shouted at me the moment I broke the news to him telling me that it was my fault that she died because I was an incompetent doctor.

Those words stung, to say the least but I didn't let my mask slip. I tried to console him, to be there for him but he just pushed me away. I have been having weird dreams about me taking someone's life lately.

Piling everything in a tray, I walked back inside taking a deep breath to calm my nerves and placed it on the table.

I turned to him and shut the laptop, keeping it on the table.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he shouted exasperatedly.

I didn't reply and simply grabbed the tray putting it on the couch beside him. He was about to stand up when I climbed on his lap and straddled him.

"Wha-" he opened his mouth but I shoved a spoonful of rice in his mouth and he shut up immediately.

"Stop it Adam." I mumbled mostly to myself but he heard it.

His posture was stiff while I scooped some more rice and chicken for him and held the spoon to his mouth.

He turned his face away like a child and I grabbed his jaw turning his face back to me and probed him to open his mouth.

He hadn't been eating much and always busies himself in work and comes back late.

After a few more difficult attempts, he started eating like a good, little kid making me relieved. He was looking at me with eyes so intense that I had to look away and focus my attention elsewhere.

After the food on the plate was finished completely, I wiped his mouth with a napkin and made him drink the rest of the water which he shouldn't have because having water after food makes you fat and ain't good for your health but... whatever.

Placing the tray back on the table, I got off his lap and held his hand in mine.

"Come on Adam, it's late. You should sleep now, work can wait." I said and dragged him upstairs with him following silently behind me.

He had already showered and was in his basketball shorts so I just sat him on his bed and took his shirt off.

"Relax Adam, I'm not gonna rape you." I tried to joke and his cheeks tinted a shade of pink so light and it was so adorable that I had to stop myself from squishing them.

Covering him with the comforter, I kissed his forehead and saw his Adam apple bob up and down.

"We have to go see your family tomorrow, Adam. They need you. Ivan and Drew needs you to be there for them and tell them that even if it will not be fine for a long, long time, you guys will get through this together. She would want to see you happy and not broken and distorted." I smiled and rubbed his knuckles.

"Goodnight." I said and turned off the lamp on his side.

"Night." my hand on the door knob froze as I heard his soft voice. I nodded and left his room.

I had a small smile plastered on my face when I slept peacefully that night.

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