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I stood beside a coffin. It was a dark mahogany that was glaring at me in the sun. It's been two weeks since the incident. I had to scrape together money to put on a funeral. Even if no one came.

I sent invitations to my grandparents on both sides, aunts, uncles, damn near everyone I knew of. All of 'em no shows.

Now it was seven months later and I was working as a school nurse. I was in a townhouse down in the Bronx. Lucas and I lived in Staten Island so I did everything in my power to get far away from my brothers' murder scene. I couldn't bring myself to leave New York though.

Don't get me wrong, moving away wasn't my only defense. I had three guns in the house and a knife on me at all times.

Right now, my knife and I were on leaving the grocery store since I needed dinner. I walked under my black umbrella with my bag of food. I hummed a meaningless tune when I noticed footsteps behind me.

I glanced back to see two men behind me. One had a leather jacket on, the other was in more layers. With just the one glance I saw leather jacket had an insignia on his neck. The family symbol for the Bianchi's.

I turned back casually as if I hadn't seen two grim reapers. I counted to ten before throwing my umbrella up and bolting. My itty bitty knife isn't gonna cut it right about now. Get it?


I ran through alleys I knew lead somewhere and tried to lose or confuse them. While running I could feel my asthmatic lungs kick in but pushed anyways.

They tried shooting at my feet but I evaded them and made another turn.

This one, however, threw me for a loop.

A man was standing there with a gun aimed at me. Just as I ran in his Italian accent said, "drop."

I slid as if it was home base when I heard him start to shoot. I turned onto all fours while watching my followers drop to the ground with bullets in their foreheads.

I panted on the ground while my soaked hair stuck to my forehead. I started to see black dots in response to the lack of oxygen I was getting. I blindly reached for my bag.

Before I could get it myself, mystery man retrieved my inhaler and hauled my head into his lap.

It took me a minute with the inhaler to get back to normal, while I clutched the little contraption.

I opened my blue eyes to meet his hazel ones. Mystery man was good looking. His angular jaw was clenched and his brown hair clung to him. The little curls just sitting there.

Before I stared for too long I rolled out of his arms. I landed on the muddy cement while pushing myself up.

"Thanks, now I want nothing to do with this. I appreciate it but next time save yourself the trouble."

"So you want to die?"

"Not necessarily," I paused, "I'm just done getting help from people. I can fight and if I loose oh well. No ones cryin' about it."

"You're wrong." His deep voice grumbled and I felt my blood boiling.

"Yea well the last funeral I was at no one showed up. So enlighten me, who would mourn my tragic death."

"The person who sent me to retrieve you."

"Retrieve me! What am I some package?"

"Cazzo, do you have to be so difficult! I'm doing a favor for a friend and this is what I get." I was walking out of the alleyway halfway through his little temper tantrum.

I did not get far when hands maneuvered me to where I was hauled over his shoulder. I sighed, honestly not caring where I ended up.

"What's my fucking god sent saviors name?"

"Marcello Milano." Oh shoot. Milano's were top dogs. Everywhere. Marcello being the top dog of said top dogs.

My father told us how he'd do business with them, how they were respectful and demanded it back. What the hell did they want with me?

I stared at Marcelo's suit jacket, yes this man was in a suit in the rain.

"You're quiet Belle." I shivered when my name left his lips, he knew my name. What else did he know?

"How much do you know about me, and why am I on the Milano's radar?"

"I know a lot. You're father knew mine. He was like an uncle to me," his voice lowered in what could be perceived as grief. But I didn't know this mans game.

We approached an expensive looking car when he set me down and opened the door for me. As gentlemanly as it seemed I knew he had to make sure I didn't run.

"So you knew my father, I didn't see you at the funeral." I didn't see anyone at the funeral.

"It wasn't safe for my family. At the time a group of troia's were trying to prove something to the Bianchi's. You're father, unfortunately, got hit as a result."

I nodded and looked at the black leather seats.

"You're still very calm for a woman going to a strangers house. A mafia kings house no less."

"A king? Quite the assumption."

"It's not an assumption it's a fact."

"Whatever floats your boat," I hummed while tapping my fingers.

"Anyone talking to me like that would be dead right about now."

I bit my lip out of boredom, "I'm not worried."

I suddenly gasped loudly making Marcello snap his head towards me, "my baby! We have to go get my cat! Turn left!"

I turned to meet his annoyed eyes ready to beg, "wait how long am I going with you. Can I just feed him and be back like tomorrow?" I was confused about the situation considered he doesn't like to fucking explain.

"You can't stay at your house Bella it's not safe."

I didn't bother commenting on the fact that my name was not Bella. I was busy trying to get my furry child.

"I need my cat. I'll jump out of this car right now."

"Child lock."

"Marcello! Please! You're uprooting my life for something I don't even care about. Let me get my fucking cat." I growled through my teeth while clenching my fists.

"I'll send someone to get it in the morning. Now shut up we have a thirty minute drive."

I clamped my lips shut in compliance, anything for Hershel.

Helllloooo hope you're enjoying the start of the book please feel free to vote and comment anything on your mind

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Helllloooo hope you're enjoying the start of the book please feel free to vote and comment anything on your mind

I'm open to constructive criticism or anything you have to point out, the book still has to be edited for typos. Enjoy thank you !!


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