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I woke up as sun shone through the curtains. Marcello was curled around me with his hands hiked up my shirt.

I ran my hand over his arm as I looked over to the bathroom. I need a shower, I probably stunk.

I gripped his hands and detached him from my body. I rolled smoothly over as he patted around for me. I passed my pillow to him and quietly scooted away.

Marcello's bathroom was even better than mine. The tile was sparkling and a tub similar to a hot tub was placed next to a large shower.

I figured I could enjoy the tub at another time before shower quickly. I smiled when I saw the hair products I told Marcello about on their own shelf.

I wrapped myself in a large towel before tying it off. I walked out of the bathroom distractedly as I combed through my curls. I grunted as I came to a knot and yanked harshly.

I glanced over to see Marcello looking at me with his feet set on the ground as he sat on the bed.

"Morning," I called over my shoulder as I stepped into the closet to get dressed.

"You're up early."

His voice sounded raspy through the door and I sighed internally.

"Needed a shower," I stepped into my leggings before clipping my bra.

I jumped as the door opened and Marcello walked in. I narrowed my eyes at him while he pulled me into his chest.

His fingers toyed at my wet hair while his other hand was splayed against my lower back. He was clad in black sweats and lacking a shirt.

Marcello smirked down at me, "why don't we ever just wake up and lay in bed with each other."

"Because we've been in the same bed for two days, Cello."

He grunted, "that's two days I've missed."

Ignoring my indecent state of attire he only looked me in the eye. I scratched gently at the nape of his neck while wrapping the other around his shoulder.

The second my breasts pressed against his chest his attention snapped to that.

With his eyes trained between us as my cleavage was smushed to him he quickly tightened his arms around me.

I gasped as his hand smacked against my ass before cupping it. Marcello pressed his lips against mine before pushing his tongue into where he wanted.

"Mm..." he spoke as he kissed me, "This one new?" He snapped the strap of my bra against my skin.

I nodded as our lips mashed together once more. His hands grasped desperately at my butt before hiking my thigh up around his hip.

"Marcello," I whimpered as he ground into me. Just as he picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist the door bust open.

Marcello and I glanced to our door to see Leo looking like he had something urgent to tell us.

Marcello pulled away and pushed me behind him. I splayed my hand against his abdomen and popped my head out next to his arm.

I smiled and waved at Leo who spared me a grin before speaking quickly to Marcello.

"Bianchi's made a move on a group of our guys. We were doing patrols on the town, Daron was shot and in surgery now. So far we only have severe injuries."

Marcello tensed as Leo left before turning and he kissed me quickly.

"Duty calls," I spoke before patting his shoulder. I grabbed a sweatshirt with my college logo before slipping on boots.

He dressed quickly as I went down to the kitchen. I saw everyone bustling and getting supplies.

I squealed when I saw Lily sitting at our table and quickly gripped her up into a hug. I looked over my shoulder to see Cello conversing with Dean. Marcello was clad in all black. A button up that was buttoned a little too low for my liking. A blazer fit his form as well as nice slacks.

He caught my gaze and walked my way. Marcello patted Lily's head while smiling down at her.

He cupped my jaw and kissed me again.

"We will have a date tonight. Et quand je rentre à la maison vous déshabiller et être prêt pour moi sur notre lit, oui?"

And when I get home you will strip down and be ready for me on our bed, yes?

My breath hitched as I inhaled sharply.

Fuck, French never sent so sexy.

"Aussi longtemps que vous m'achetez tout d'abord dîner." I tried to joke but my voice came out breathy.

As long as you buy me dinner first.

He growled lowly and tightened his grip around my jaw before kissing me hard.

When he pulled away I told him to take care of everything and not worry about tonight if it's too much.

He only scoffed and gave me a look.

"You think some stupid fucking Bianchi's are going to keep me from..." I covered his mouth quickly while pressing a hand over Lily's ear and pushing her other against my stomach.

She seemed tired as this entire time she clung to my leg and was practically asleep.

I picked her up and carried her on my hip while waving bye to all of the guys. Caesar ran over and kissed her goodbye before kissing my cheek and jogging back out.

I turned to her as she struggled to keep her eyelids from drooping. Must've been a night with no sleep

"Take a nap on the couch?" I suggested and she nodded quickly. I guess criminal minds would be entertaining enough while she slept.

"Boss wanted this to be given to you." I turned to see Ben handing me my phone and I smiled. I grasped it and quickly thanked him while Hershel laid at my feet while Lily slept on me.

I looked through my phone to see many new contacts added, the most important being Marcello's.

I saw many missed called and furrowed my brows. I looked and realized they were from Corinne.

I glanced down at Lily to see her dead asleep and pressed her name to call her back.

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