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I sat at the bar while downing my third shot. I didn't want to get shit faced and go back to Belle.

I was such a fucking asshole.

But what was I supposed to do when after years of not giving a damn about any girl romantically, then have one just pop up that makes your blood boil in the best way. Oh, and you can't forget the fucking hard on I get with one look at her.

She could be doing absolutely nothing. Nothing!

Her smile gets me ready to fuck her. God, what would fucking her be like? How would she sound moaning my name?

I groaned frustratedly before slamming my hand down on the table. I was either jerking off in the shower or somehow I'd be able to get Belle to forgive me.

When I had gotten to our floor I heard the sound of glass breaking. I broke into a sprint before practically knocking down our door.

However, the blood pumping through me slowed when I saw Belle sitting in a thong and my T-shirt, with wine in her right hand. Then the blood started pumping somewhere else.

I shut the door loudly but stopped when I saw a man unconscious on the floor. He was gagged and bound.

I think I'm in love.


I was thinking about my brother while Marcello spoke on the phone about our visitor.

It resembled yelling more than speaking, but I would be too if I saw a strange man in my new suite.

I glanced up when he started grabbing our bags, I silently raised a brow in question.

"We're getting a new room, bambina. My men will take the bastardo, and be posted outside our new room. First thing tomorrow we're leaving." That asshole knew I loved that nickname. Without swooning I nodded at the information.

I looked down at my attire, "we're just going to the elevator. I'll make sure no one sees you."

I nodded before walking right out, not waiting for him. I saw him with our two bags in his hands before telling me the floor number to press.

I stood in the corner, wrapping my arms around myself. I felt awfully exposed in the tight quarters with the brooding man.

I suddenly heard a growl of frustration before our bags hit the ground. I glanced up at the sound only to be pinned to the wall. I held in a whimper as his pants caused friction against my core. He ran his nose up my neck as he inhaled. I arched into him unconsciously.

"Stop," his voice had an animalistic growl to it and he had to pause to try and soften his tone.

"Stop being mad at me please." I almost laughed at the pathetic sentence coming from one of the worlds most dangerous men.

"I'm not mad at you," I halfway lied.

"Yet you haven't looked at me for more than a second at a time."

"I'm not mad. But obviously, everything I do annoys you. So I figured it'd be best to just not bother you." I shrugged at my thinking, it made sense to me.

"Bella please." I sighed and nodded, I didn't exactly know what he was asking for but figured it was okay to annoy him now.

"I guess that was as close to an apology I'll get." I joked and was relieved when he smirked down at me before turning serious.

"Explain to me what happened."

I sighed as I thought about the attacker, who had been taken away by Marcello's men.

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