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The phone rung for a split second before it was answered.

"Belle Renee Christiano! Where have you been?!"

"H-How do you know my middle.."

"That's not the point! I have been looking all over for you and no one at work helps me!"

"That's because I don't talk to anyone but you."

Corrine works as a computer teacher at my school. And with all of her tech skills I think she could get a much better job, but that's just my opinion.

Corrine was probably the closest thing I had to a friend. It was always so easy to talk to each other, even if her very eccentric personality could overwhelm you.

"I can't believe you just up and left. I was so worried I went to your house-"

"What!" I almost yelled but broke off into a whisper. "You can't go there, it's not safe."

"What the fuck does that mean? Are you in trouble! Belle I'm going to strangle you when I find you."

"You are not finding me, you are staying home and living your life. I'm safe um... a friend came to get me."

"You don't have friends!"

I winced before wrapping up the conversation, "Corrine do not get involved or you will be the one getting strangled by me. I want you safe and living a normal life, okay?"

"Since when was being normal on my bucket list? I'm coming to find you," she sang before hanging up.

I covered my face in exasperation before tossing my phone onto the carpet. I had no doubt in my mind that eventually Corrine would find me.

After a day of cooking and making a mess of the house Lily and I had been sleeping on the couch for an abundant amount of time. We were both startled awake when the front door was slammed open.

I quickly shushed Lily and told her to hide in the closet, I opened a side drawer picking up the glock inside as whoever was entering came in fast.

I got to our entrance quick and jumped out of the way, avoiding Mathew and Leo carrying an unconscious Caesar inside.

I tucked the gun in my back pants while looking for Marcello. When I didn't see him I raced to catch up with Frankie.

"What happened?"

"Ambushed, Caesar was shot in his left shoulder. He should be fine he just hates blood. Marcello and Dean are making sure we weren't followed."

Caesar was placed on the table and I tied my hair back.

"Get me the first aid kit."

Frankie looked down at me, "we can get the doctor here-"

"I went to nursing school, this'll be a breeze."

Frankie nodded once before going to find what I needed. I opened Caesar's shirt before I was passed medical supplies.

I was sat awkwardly half on Caesar and half on the table as I checked for an exit wound. I grabbed gloves and started applying pressure to stop the bleeding while searching for disinfectant.

"Papa!" Lily sobbed while running to him. Frankie intercepted her before placing her on his hip and rushing her out.

I took Mathews hands and placed them over the towels stopping the bleeding. The bullet went downward and exited just above his lung.

"Press hard."

I straddled Caesar's upper chest as I finished threading the needle. I was quick to close up the entry wound and asked for help maneuvering to next one.

Loud yelling grabbed my attention and I turned my head to see Marcello barking orders.

Dean and him entered quickly while Leo filled him in on Caesar's health. I spared him a half smile before continuing the stitch.

I taped bandages to his wounds before sighing in relief. I was trying to think of medication for Caesar to take before hands gripped my jaw.

Marcello pulled me into a hug. With his arms tightly wrapped around me I relaxed and reciprocated the hug, conscious to not press my bloody hands against him.

Marcello shifted to kiss my forehead, "good job."

I nodded and tilted my head to kiss him lightly.

I pulled away and took off my gloves carefully before washing my hands.

Lily finally ran in and came to her fathers side immediately. I rested my hand on her shoulder, "Your dads gonna be fine. He got a big cut on his shoulder but it's all patched up now. He'll be awake soon."

Lily pressed her face against my stomach and wiped her tears and snot against my sweatshirt. I smirked a little before she tried to help Frankie and Leo move Caesar to an empty room.

I glanced at the clock to see it was 8:30.

Marcello was glaring at the ground before I hopped up on the counter in front of him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and drew him closer. I threw my hands around his neck and scratched at his scalp.

"Are you alright?"

"Other than being fucking pissed, I'm fine. Caesar made the first contact. Moron is lucky they have a shitty shooter. We killed everyone attacking."

I nodded, "well then there's something to be happy about. Now you just have to think about the next move."

"We missed our reservation," Cello growled.

"That's fixable, I could make food or we could do something tomorrow."

"I wanted to take you out tonight."

"You don't always get your way Mr. Milano," I sent a cheeky smile up at him.

"I should be able to take you out without some fuckers ruining everything."

"How can I make you not pissed?" I slumped against him as I kissed his jaw.

"I'm hungry," he grumbled against my head.

"What do you want me to make?"

"I'm not hungry for food, I want you." My breath hitched as I peaked up at him through my lashes.

"D-Don't you have things to take care of with... them?"

"Do you really want to make me less angry?"

I bit my lip as I hesitated before nodding. His eyes darkened as his finger tips pierced my skin.

He pushed me further into his chest while running his lips over my neck. Time slowed as my body buzzed with pleasure. An ache settled in my belly as I craved him more than ever.

"I need to tell them who to contact and to get the fuck out tonight. Go upstairs and wait for me on our bed. I want you out of these." He snapped the band of my leggings and underwear against my skin.

The man currently making my panties drenched nipped at my jaw before setting me on the ground. He looked at me and patiently waited for a response.

"Okay," I breathed out as my voice shook. I went to turn but he stopped me and tapped his cheek.

I cracked a smile despite my nerves running high and my lust running even higher. I kissed his cheek before hurrying off and saying goodnight to everyone. I kissed Lily's cheek much like I did Marcello's and disappeared upstairs.

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