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It had been an hour and a half since Mel and I talked and I knew it would take her and Frankie a while.

A knock at the door made me hop up excitedly. I'd never had a girl friend before and I was eager to have a friend.

I opened the door to see Mathew. My shoulders dropped in disappointment before I asked what he was here for.

He looked hurt at my body language, "I-I thought we were going back to normal Bells."

"Listen, Mathew, I told you we'd start over. I'm not trying to hold a grudge, but it's going to take a while. Now, what did you need? Does Marcello know your up here?" I knew Marcello didn't like people on his floor.

"I came to talk to you about Marcello actually."

"You came to talk to me about your boss?" I raised a single brow at him.

"It's just... are you two involved? You seemed awfully close this morning. And he has girls coming in and out all the time, I don't want you to be hurt."

I processed the information before nodding, "I appreciate it Mathew but we're not together." I laughed quietly, "Marcello is a big boy and I'm a big girl. Even if we were ever a couple it would be our decision."

"It would be," a deep voice made us both jump.

I looked at Marcello and felt concerned for Mathew at the rage on his face. Mathew kept his head down before bidding goodbye to both of us.

It was just Marcello and I and I smiled when I saw ice cream in his hands. Along with two spoons.

I snatched it while thanking him repeatedly. He smirked down at me before opening his mouth.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me Cello, you can bring in however many girls you want. It's your house." I let out a humorless chuckle while directing my gaze to the ground.

A hand tilted my face up, "you shouldn't interrupt me fidanzata. And it's your house as well. There won't be anyone in it that threatens your place." (sweetheart)

His cryptic message confused me but my mind went to mush as he kissed my cheek. As he walked off he told me Mel would be on her way up.

"You slept in the same bed as Marcello!" Mel squealed while stuffing her face.

"Yea he's quite the cuddler," I scoffed.

"Frankie told me he never lets women stay the night. He'll kick them out right after their... transaction is done." I rolled my eyes at the information.

"Transaction? Are you saying he paid them," I was almost floored in shock. I would pay him to sleep with me.

"God no, women fell to his feet. But even I've seen he's complete assholes to them."

"I'm not surprised."

"I think you two would be good for each other. Marcello needs someone to take the stick up his ass. I'm sure he'd like to put something up your-"

"Okay! Let's get off this topic."

We had watched four movies and it was way past dark. I knew Mel would be leaving soon.

"So when are you due?"

"Oh just over a month. Elijah is just humongous and ready to get some space of his own."

I smiled, "Elijah is a beautiful name."

"Yea Frankie and I both love it." She rubbed her stomach and I could feel the emotions radiating off of her. It almost choked me up. Maternal love. It made me think about babies. And babies are so cute. And I want cute things.

Mel insisted Frankie and her needed to leave. Mentioning he probably hasn't even eaten without her nagging him.

"I'll have to come back soon, I needed this." Melody linked her arms with mine as we walked downstairs.

Marcello, Frankie, Leo, Dean, and Caesar were all at the couches. All except Mathew.

I noted the information and watched Mel walk over to Frankie who met her halfway. They gave each other a sweet kiss and I almost cooed at them. They both lived a couple of miles away in their own home. Close enough for an emergency.

I sat between Dean and Caesar, who I had yet to get to know very well. Marcello watched me and I couldn't help the stupid smile I gave him.

"Ooh," I saw a bottle of whiskey and felt obligated to drink it.

I stood for the bottle and grabbed a glass but before I could pour a hand stopped me.

"You're small Bella, and it's late why don't you sleep." He spoke quietly so the other who spoke amongst themselves wouldn't hear.

"Alcohol makes me tired. It'll be like giving me Nightquill." I chuckled before pouring a decent amount.

"And on the small comment, I hold my liquor better than you would expect."

"Oh really?" He smirked.

"Mhm, might even rival you, Milano." By now people had tuned into our conversation but I paid no mind.

"We'll have to test that theory, Belle. Another night."

"I'd pay to see you shit faced."

"Naughty language fidanzata. Watch your mouth before I do something about it." We grew progressively closer.

He gave me a sly smile before pulling away completely as I didn't have a comeback. I took a shaky breath as sexual tension weighed heavy on me.

I turned to see Mel about to burst and blushed. The men watched us before glancing behind me and looking away.

It was going to take a while to get them to like me.

Beauty And The MobsterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang