Chapter Two

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-The Lunch Confrontation-

Miriki's Point of View

When the bell rang I sprung up along with Mera to the cafeteria. We got in line and got our daily serving of a rice bowl and other delicious foods.

We sat at our usual table where it was Mera, Yumehara, Teruhashi, and I. Speaking of the girl, she was going to be in for some major crushing. In class that scumbag made it his quest to get her to be his bride. Talk about demanding. Teruhashi was not some pretty toy that he could just have. Even if she was the epidome of perfection and grace.  

Chiyo soon came and went into dreamy mode as Kaidou walked by. She had short brown hair with a pink headband and brown eyes. I giggled at her shy face that she suddenly shoved in her food.

"He's gone now." I whispered. Mera was to busy stuffing her face so I leaned over and gave Chiyo a napkin. She gratefully took it.

"Ugh, I wish Kaidou would notice me." She whined. "Hey, where's Kokomi? Usually she's here first but now she's not."

I was on the same page as her and looked around to see any ogling eyes but saw none. I turned back. "You're right. There's no oh wow's going off or fans in sight. Maybe she's in the restroom or something."

"Yeah, you're probably right." She said and ate her food.

"Hm, thank you peasant for the suggestion. Here I thought I had to bribe you but I guess not." I heard a smug voice behind me.

I turned around to see the scumbag. He had a smirk on his face with arms crossed. A mischievous glint in his eyes.

"What makes you think you have the right to talk to Teruhashi. She may be beautiful and perfect but that doesn't mean she'll randomly want some rich guy." I glared at him.

He just laughed. He leaned in to my face. "Oh I have every right. I'm rich and powerful unlike you and the rest of this garbage school."

"Geez, it's no wonder you don't have friends yet." I crossed my arms.

His face faltered for a quick second before going back to it's smugness. "I'm not here to befriend peasants." With that, he turned on his heels and walked away.

I growled and was about to go after him but Chiyo grabbed my wrist. "Miri-chan, don't stress on someone like him. He's a big jerk and you know already know about Teruhashi. She doesn't like just any guy."

Despite her words my worry grew only more.

A sigh escaped my lips. "You're right, but I still want to make sure he doesn't do anything creepy to her." I took my hand back. "Watch my food. Mera if you eat my food, I'll break your glasses." I then ran to the restrooms.

"You go, Nendou-chan!" I heard Hairo clapping.


The restrooms weren't far from the cafeteria so that jerk was probably already with Kokomi.

I was surprised to see Saiki there. He walked towards the restrooms and that's when I was able to see what was going on.

"I like Sai-i-i" Teruhashi's eyes were widen as were mine. She was struggling to get her words out. Beside me, Saiki had threw his head to side as if he had fallen asleep.

I shrugged it off and walked past him to go towards Saiko. He looked angry from the way Teruhashi was staring at the pinkette. He growled and met eyes with me.

"You know Teruhashi, I guess those fans of yours aren't the only thing I have to compete with. Also, I'm not surprised with your friend." He smirked not losing eye contact with me. "She's almost as good looking as you, along with being more full-" His eyes checking me out like a hungry tiger.

Teruhashi gasped, taking her hand out of his. "Excuse me."

"How dare you." I spoke up.

"What? You didn't let me finish and I didn't mean it like that. I meant full of surprises." He shrugged.

I scowled at him. "Yeah right. First, you have the audacity to walk into our school like you own the place. Second, you think that just because you're rich that Teruhashi will want you. I'm pretty sure you don't even know that much about her."

“Full and quiet yet loud when provoked. You're like a panda.” He said.

Did he not hear anything and - “PANDA!?” I screeched.

"Miri-chan. Let's just go." Teruhashi walked in between us and grabbed my hand. Her captivating voice pulled me from my anger.

I suddenly became distracted at the beautiful sight of her soft features with those dark pools of blue that were her eyes and the warmth of her hands calming me down. I blushed and immediately shifted my face into a smile. She smells like rainbows

"Okay. The girl's are already there." We both walked out leaving a stunned Saiko. Oh and Saiki who was just standing there.

3rd Pov

Saiko frowned at the girl's. His eyes stared at Miriki's form disappearing as the door closed.

That damn panda!  

Saiki was able to slip out and had shook his head walking back to the cafeteria. He seen the girl's walk back to their table. His eyes went to Miriki.

Yare, yare. In her defense, panda's may be chubby but that's what makes them cute and huggable so what he thinks is an insult is actually a compliment. I don't see why she needs to be offended, it's not a bad thing.

“Hey buddy! Stop looking at my cousin! Oh look a penny.”


(a/n) hehe pandas are cute fluffy animals. I just made both Saiki and Saiko technically call her cute....
low-key Saiki tap that :3

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