Deleted Chapter

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Hey peeps, this isn't an actual update but it sort of is. So this is a chapter that I wrote in the past when I had Miriki paired with Saiki instead of Saiko. Enjoy!


-She's a knockout-

Nendou Miriki was one perfectly imperfect girl. She didn't like her name coming out of people's mouths nor did she appreciate any bozos ogling at her body as if she was a special meal deal from a taco bell menu.

Her daily routine consisted of going to school, learning, going home, eating, then sleep. It was an endless cycle, but the one thing she always looked forward to was hanging out with good friend and co-worker, Mera Chisato.

Which is why Saiki Kusuoquestioned how he knew her from somewhere.

This whole curiosity started when a chubby fair skinned girl with short olive hair and lively green eyes arrived as a new 2nd year at P.K Academy. It was a shock to many, including the psychic, that Miriki was related to Riki Nendou.

Very shocking. For one, she didn't have a butt-chin. Second, she wasn't ditzy or an airhead. And third, she didn't have any scars. Rumor was that her parents worked for the Air Force and she lived with her cousin. It was all true.

Anyway, the girl had been going there for a few hours and already carried a normal, ordinary reputation at school. She was simply normal. Appearance wise, she was quite cute with a round face and big eyes.

However when someone managed to piss this girl off, Saiki's memory became perfectly clear.


“Hey you Pocchari! Get off that chair before you break it!”

The taunting voice of a tween boy yelled at a chubby kid inside an arcade. He was joined by a few other boys who laughed along with him. To make matters worse, the chubby kid was younger than them.

"Fat? Are you talking to me?” The kid answered. Her voice was curious as she stopped playing the video game.

“Of course we are who else dumbass!” A scowl formed on the boy's face, revealing crooked teeth. “Now get off the swing fatass.”

“Hey that's not nice.” Getting off the swing, the young girl stepped up to the male.

Not too far, a pink haired boy was watching the scene with wide eyes. He wasn't sure if he should get involved or not. This boy wasn't like others, in fact he was very different. Having powers would allow him to help the girl and-

“Say sorry!”

Huh!? The pinkette snapped out of his thoughts when the chubby girl was on top of the older boy's stomach, holding his arm behind his back.

“Uncle!” He wailed.

The chubby girl growled. “I said sorry not uncle, baka!”

“I'm sorry!” At his apology, the girl's glare turned into a smile. She giggled and got off the boy and walked away like nothing happened.

Flashback Over

"Say sorry!" Miriki warned while she held a first year boy in a headlock.

"I'm sorry! Please, it was just a dare." He plead.

With pursed lips, Miriki let him go and dusted hands off. She smiled in delight seeing the boy pathetically crawl back to his table in shame.

That's what the butthole gets for trying to touch me. She thought while joining Mera.

Not to far away, Saiki watched the scene with a small smile. He quickly hid it and returned his gaze to his food.

My Boy |Metori Saiko x Chubby! OC|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin