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Hey peeps! How's it going? I'm very happy that you guys are enjoying the story and are hooked. So I decided to return the favor by doing something fun😉

You all can ask questions or give truth or dares to the characters as well as myself if you want. It can be about anything including the story. The characters that will be participating are the ones that have been asked questions or truth/dares

So go crazy! 😈

Miriki: Wha-

Author-chan giggles as she reads the comments. She shifts her glasses and clears her throat as the Saiki K. cast comes in and sits in their respective seats.

Teruhashi: *smiles* Hello Author-chan, I'm so happy to be here. *Glances at Saiki and blushes*

Author-chan: *3* cool. Anyway we've received some truths, dares and questions.

Saiki: *Quietly breathes*  

Nendou: *picks his ear* Is there ramen?

Author-chan: No, and don't be disgusting. Miriki please control your cousin. *Shakes head in disappointment* Anyway, we aren't here to discuss Nendou's manners because we've got more fun things to do.

Saiko: *sighs* Can we hurry because I've got places to be.

Miriki: *glares at Saiko*  Don't be a douchebag. If you got somewhere to be, it can wait.

Aiura: *smirks at the two* Then let's get to it.

Author-chan: *smiles* Yes let's. Okay first question is from (Melox45) asking, To Saiko-

Saiko: Okay, now this is interesting.

Author-chan: *rolls up a newspaper and smacks him* -Who is better, Teruhashi or Miriki?

Saiko: *puts hand on chin* Hmm, I do appreciate Teruhashi's beauty as much as the next person, however if I'm going to be honest I prefer my Panda-chan better. *winks at Miriki*

Teruhashi: *imaginary arrow goes through her heart at the fact that someone was preferred better than her*

Miriki: *blushes softly with puffed cheeks* Dummy

Author-chan: *sips tea* Well then, let's get to the next reader shall we. (jamiee1117) is giving both a truth and dare to Miriki. Do you wanna do both or choose one.

Miriki: *fists pumps the air* Da- no, it's too soon. I'm gonna play it safe and choose truth.

Author-chan: *smirks* If that's what you want. Okay so for the truth, do you secretly like wearing those panda socks?

Miriki: *crosses arms* Only because they're soft.

Author-chan: Hehe. There's also another for Saiki this time.

Saiki: Oh boy, I'm so siked.

Author-chan: *angry pout* You don't gotta be sarcastic. Anyway, do you support the love story going on between Saiko and Miriki?

Miriki: Love story? Bitch where?

Author-chan: Shush. You ain't Saiki.

Saiki: *gives a thumbs up*

Author-chan: I'll take what I can get. Okay next viewer (animefanitic)- Saiki what is your thoughts and opinions on all of this, Teruhashi you as well.

Teruhashi: *blank stare* *shakes head and gives a smile* I'm happy for them! I'm glad to be supportive to my best friend. At first I thought Saiko was an arrogant person but I think he's really nice now.

My Boy |Metori Saiko x Chubby! OC|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ