Chapter Thirteen

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-What are you doing to me?-

The man himself stood before Metori in his bedroom. He had to shield his eyes from the brightness his father was absorbed in. Mr.Saiko was just so rich and filled with the finest rings and jewels that it was hard to see his actual person.

“Fath- Sir, you wanted to see me.” Metori bowed respectively while still shielding his eyes.

“Son, you are going to be the next man to own my business. I expect only the best from you.” Mr.Saiko said. He pet the Siamese cat that laid on his lap.

A sudden nervous fear striked Metori. He would do anything his father asked of him, but it was intimidating at the same time having to hear words that started out as if he was he was warning him.

“So I hear you tried to go after that Teruhashi girl, am I correct?”  

Metori scratched his temple as he looked away. “Yes, at least I was. Not anymore, I figured that she wasn't worth my time nor our money.” He answered truthfully.

“Of course she isn't. Us Saiko men are breed only from the finest fruits of the women meaning I want you to be careful and wise in who you try to seek son. Greedy woman make for greedy children and that's not something I want for my future descendants. I want strong, independent, and smart heirs. Do you understand son?”

Metori took in all of his father's words. The man that lied to him about the value of money was now telling him what the value of his own relationship would be.

“Yes, father.” Metori sighed. If only he could break those wheels and then--

“Then don't disappointment me. Those filthy peasant peers of yours tried to come in my house and harass me and my son? All for a girl. What shame. Well, I'm glad we had this discussion.”  

Metori's father wheeled himself out of the room as Jeffery sent a sympathetic smile to his master's son and closed the door softly.

Saiko clicked his tongue. It didn't really bother him that Teruhashi rejected him. It used to a few weeks ago but not anymore. He was only attracted her looks. He was a fool to think she would marry him. The only thing that bothered him was that not only did she choose Saiki over him. Thinking about it now, Saiko wondered what had happened if Teruhashi did accept his marriage offer.

Saiko pursed his lips and got up from his bed. He took his coat and walked out from his room.


“Here you go, sir.” Miriki smiled politely as she placed the bowl down in front of an older gentleman. He gave her a smile as he enjoyed his meal.

Miriki sighed and walked back to the kitchen. She leaned on the counter where Mera was cooking. They both took turns as they were the only employees, besides another girl who was sick that day. She said she had writer's block or something but Miriki knew well that she was probably watching anime.

“Slow day huh?” Mera asked.

Miriki nodded. “Very, but at least we've gotten good tips. We both need it.”

“Yeah. So how did your project go? I heard you were paired with Teruhashi.” Mera shifted her glasses. “There's no doubt you passed right... Miriki?”

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