Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

-In Search of Swimsuits-

Miriki held in her dark feelings that swarmed in her heart like a bunch of busy bees. She wasn't one to throw any insults in anyone's face unless they deserved it nor did she ever disrespect one who she's never had a conversation with before.

“Senpai, I think you'll look beautiful in any swimsuit.” The excitement in the tiny girl's voice caused Miriki's eye to twitch.

“T-Thank you.” Kokomi's delightful voice replied.

Miriki didn't mind Aiura or Chiyo to join along with them, but this first year named Rifuta Imu, was such a pain in the-


Miriki turned her head to the shorter girl in curiosity. She didn't want to be rude so she faked a smile. “Yes?”

“You're really pretty, I can see why that rich guy likes you. I was going to ask him out but he told me to leave him alone and then asked if I knew you.” The girl frowned. She hooked her small arms on Miriki's. “How rude, right?”

Instead of pushing her away, the curvaceous girl hid a smile. She didn't know why but an image of Saiko dodging an obvious cute girl's confession and didn't use money made Miriki feel proud of him.

This girl clearly is close with Kokomi. Not for long. Thankfully I had his number and invited him. Rifuta mentally smirked. But...I could always steal him.


Saiko's Home (before the girls went to shop)

In a silky soft bed with the finest colors, Metori sat on his bed as a servant if his fanned his face with money and he, himself was listening to music on his surround sound music players. No he didn't have airpods like the other American kids because:

Airpods are for amateur little children trying to flex on others. Real speakers like mine provide clear sound and I don't have to worry about getting ear infections. And they look like q-tips.

A message on the male's phone suddenly came. He quirked a perfect brow and checked it out.

Unknown: heyy senpai, it's Right and was wondering if you wanted to join me and a few friends to the beach.

Unknown: I heard Kokomi-chan is going.

Normally, Metori would have jumped at the situation without a second thought. His stomach would be filled with happiness because it meant he had the world's finest rarity, but…nothing. He replied back to the girl who interacted with him earlier.

Metori: No. Beaches are filled with bacterial diseases and unless you want to be accused of poisoning me, never text this number, small peasant.

Unknown: would you go if Nendou Miriki went.

My Panda-chan?

Saiko's eyes lit up with interest at the name. Now this time, it was when he felt foreign emotions brewing in his stomach. Not the kind when he got something, no. It was warm. He thought for a second before replying.

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