Chapter Eleven

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Why not make another chapter ;D this one's more random

-Gotcha Bitch-

Miriki sighed softly as the warm waters washed away the dry sand that stuck to her body. The scented, non fruit smelling, soap filled her hands as she smacked it onto the loofah and began scrubbing her body.

Unfortunately she couldn't stay longer than a few short hours at the beach because Riki got knocked out by a big rock which came out of nowhere and nobody knew what it was so she had to take him to a nearby clinic and have him get checked out.

The thing was, Saiko took them and she couldn't stop thinking about it. He shifted from being a brat to a nice brat. His attitude still needed some fixing, but overall the decision to take them was his and that was appreciated. Miriki brought the loofah to her stomach and sighed. Even his smooth words caused her heartbeat to skip.

She turned the water off and got herself ready. After changing into a baggy shirt and shorts, Miriki flopped down on her bed. She reached out to grab her phone, immediately going to the contacts.

Saiko Metori↪ Call


Just as Miriki guided her cousin out of the limo, she gave both Saiko and his driver a quick thanks before she stepped out. Her actions were in a quick panic as she tried to direct Riki in the right direction but it hard since the big guy weighed a lot.

"Wait Panda-chan, here." Metori turned towards Jeffrey. "Help the big lug would you."

Miriki shook her head. "It's alright Saiko, no need. I appreciate you taking us and that's enough."

However, Saiko didn't listen and Jeffrey had already took over with helping the currently half conscious boy. Riki looked at the unfamiliar man and groaned in pain.

"I need food Mr.Man."

"We'll get you the best Mr.Nendou, now let's go." Jeffrey glanced back at Miriki and sent her a reassuring smile. "I'll be back shortly Master."

"You don't need to help, I'm pretty sure driving us was already costing you time. Don't you have a busy schedule or anything?" Miriki flickered her eyes to the clinic doors. She hugged her cover closer to her body.

Saiko shook his head. He pulled something out of his trunks and handed it to her. "Here put your number in." His cheeks warmed up. "I want to hear how you and your cousin do after he's checked out."

Miriki stared at his phone for a few seconds. She looked back to where Riki last was and sighed. He was sort of Saiko's lackey and if not, only friend.

"Fine." She typed in her number and sent herself a message to ensure that she wouldn't get confused if a random number texted her.

Jeffrey shortly came back and informed the young girl that her cousin would be seen. He went back into the limo and waved. Miriki smiled softly.

"Bye bye Panda-chan."


Miriki turned her phone off. She shook her head frantically. I'll text him later, I need to check on Riki.

Getting off her bed, Miriki slipped on her slippers and opened her door. She walked into the living room and sighed in relief seeing the big guy himself eating soup as he happily watched a movie.

"I'm glad you're feeling better." She hummed. She joined him on the floor and glanced at the TV.

Riki munched on the ramen before answering. "Mhm, this warm ramen is doing the job. Say, I don't remember as much but did Rich buddy drive us in his fancy car?"

"Yes he did. I thanked him and his driver." Miriki fixed his bandages to make sure they weren't too tight. She didn't want him losing any more brain cells than he already did. The doorbell then rang catching both Nendous' attention. Miriki stood up and went to the door.

She unlocked it and opened it slightly. "Hello?"

"Hey Nendou-chan!" It was just Haido. When Miriki opened it more she saw Saiki, Kaidou, Aren, and unfortunately Toritsuka standing with him as well with small boxes. She guessed they were ramen.

"Hi guys, Riki is awake he'll be glad to see you all here." She stepped aside and allowed them to come inside. As usual Saiki stayed silent but respectfully bowed and took his shoes off.

"Can I get you guys anything?" She offered. They all shook their heads and she nodded, taking a seat near them being closest to Kaidou who blushed at the pretty girl.

The group engaged themselves in the movie but then decided to talk right after it was done. Miriki decided to leave the boys to themselves and went to her room unaware of someone missing.

She sighed and went back to staring at her phone. Her fingers developed a mind of their own and started to type words and finally sent a message to the rich male. He didn't answer within the first few minutes, but soon he did and that's how their first text conversation started.

"Who knew someone with a cocky attitude could actually be nice." Miriki swung her legs back and forth. But when she heard someone sneeze, her body tensed. She got up from her bed and crouched down to look under.


"Hey where's Toritsuka? He's been in the bathroom for awhile." Haido said. The rest of the guys all looked around and wondered the same thing.

Riki replied with, "He's probably just dropping a dump."

"Or he's creeping on your cousin." Saiki mentally thought. He was already at the female Nendou's door. He opened it and smiled once seeing the sight before him. The other followed after him and they all laughed.

On the ground was Miriki pinning a regretful Toritsuka. She was sitting on his back whilst holding his arms painfully behind his back. "I knew a perverted worm like you would do this or did someone put you up to this?" A dark aura surrounded her as she turned to the males.

They all stopped laughing and put their hands up in defense. Miriki scowled and got off the light purple haired male. He was about to escape but he was pulled by the ear and dragged out the room.

When Miriki reached the front door, she yanked it wide open. The girl put both arms on the side of the door and kicked her feet up to yeet the boy right outside.

"Now that's a super yeet." Aren whistled.

"What's going on?" Riki looked side to side. He got up from the floor and sees Miriki crossed her arms. "Ay Pocchari, more Ramen!"

An angry Miriki turned to her cousin. "Who you calling chubby!" She was about to hit him but he just fell asleep. The girl shook her head and went back to her room leaving the guys confused.

Meanwhile, Saiki ate his own bowl of ramen.

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