Chapter Five

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-Conversation in a Cafe -

Miriki's Point of View

I changed into my cafe uniform which consisted of a maid outfit. The cafe had recently shifted into a maid place because our boss wasn't getting much customers.

Mera told me that it had something to out with Saiki helping them out, and it got more service. What ever he did it sure did work.

I wasn't really complaining with the outfit. It got me extra tips and I'm pretty sure it wasn't because of my customer service. This wasn't Mera's shift but I was still going to at least give her some of the earnings. It was a thank you gift as she had actually covered one for me last time.

The maid uniform luckily fit me like a glove but it didn't mean I liked it. When I was younger I would always get told that I looked like a boy just because of my short hair. I packed on more height and curves so jokes on them.

I went over to clean a table and collected the dirty dishes in the bin. I carried them into the kitchen and gave them to the cleaner. Then it was back to taking orders.

It was a cycle and a routine from afternoon to night. Not many people come in at night which meant an early closing for me.

I scrubbed the last table and swiped the sweat off of my brow. "Another works-"

My sentence was cut off by the jingling of bells from the front door opening. I turned and seen that it was Saiko, but he was alone without any of his workers.

"Hmm, not the usual place that someone like me would eat at, but this will due." He said with his nose in the air looking around.

I bit back a growl and pushed down and digusted feelings. Picking up a menu, I headed towards his table with a fake smile.

His face met mine with a blank look as I set the menu down. "I won't be needing that." He said.

"Okay." I held onto it and took out my notepad. "Well, I'm going to be your waitress and my name is-"

"Panda. I know, now can I get a lobster with a large servant of coleslaw and a bottle of Stella Rose wine." He said. "Did you get that? Maid." A smile came on his.

Asshole keeps calling me that stupid name. I blushed in anger.

"I'm sorry, Master. But unfortunately this is not a place of high quality foods. This is a cafe. How about I get you some ramen. Would you like that?" I said, trying not to crumble the menu in my hands.

"Fine." He smirked before waving his hand. "Go fetch me some water while you're at it. Oh and keep calling me Master, I like it."

With a blank look, I stepped forward. "Just because I'm dressed like a maid doesn't mean I am one."

He stared at me intently before his eyes trailed down making me growl but he ignored it. "It suits you though."

I sighed. "Whatever." I walked off and still felt eyes on me.


I brought the warm ramen out with a pack of chopsticks. He was still sitting there, looking out the window as the moon was staring at him reflecting it's light on to him. I really hate to admit it...he looks good.

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