8th Page: Rampant Silver

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Black Bulls Hideout...

After the initiation of the three new members, Yami tasked Magna and Ruby with showing them around the base. Magna, being Yami's right-hand man, agreed without missing a beat, taking (Y/N) and Asta as they headed towards the boys' section of the Hideout. Ruby, meanwhile, had practically dragged Alice to the girls' section.

With Magna, he'd first taken the two recruits to their rooms, two simple, yet dirty-looking, rooms right next to each other.

"Alright, these are gonna be your rooms. Remember them, it's really easy to lose track of your room number here." Magna commented as he waved past the rooms carelessly.

"Uhhh...how did we get here again?" Saying (Y/N) was confused is an understatement. They went through multiple set of stairs, some going up and others going down, seriously it had taken like seven minutes just to get here.

"Anyway, Asta this is your room." Magna and Asta walked in one of the doors, (Y/N) taking a peek from outside, only to sweatdrop at what he saw.

"Well, isn't it depressing how small and filthy it is?" Magna laughed, though Asta had a completely different reaction.

"I can't believe it...my own room!" The boy almost jumped in joy, causing (Y/N) and Magna to deadpan. Right...Asta's never had his own room before. Wait, actually neither have I...

This thought made (Y/N) laugh slightly, Asta going on to quickly fix the room with endless vigor, an excited smile plastered on his face all the while.

With Magna reminding the two boys to send letters back to the Church, Magna dragged (Y/N) to he other room as they left Asta to clean his own.

"Alright, and this is your room (Y/N). Surprisingly, it's bigger than Asta's. I'd expected this room to be the same size, guess you got lucky, eh?" Magna commented as the two entered the arguably large room, though it wasn't any better than Asta's room as it was all dirty and desperately needed someone to clean it. Heck, some of the windows were broken.

"This is nice...I think?" (Y/N) commented, confused, as he gazed upon the room. He'd never had his own room. Though the Lord of the Hellian family had offered him a room within the Hellian mansion due to his relationship with Alice, (Y/N) had courteously refused. It wasn't that he minded moving in, rather it'd feel weird to be sleeping away from the Church, the home he'd known the longest.

"You bet it is! Well, with a bit of cleaning here and there! Better get to scrubbing, we're off work until the next mission shows up!" Magna laughed as he walked off.

Seeing Magna walk off, (Y/N) shut the door while inside his new room, lighting a black and white colored flame in his hand, setting some of the Void Flame on a nearby lantern.

"Hmm..." Gazing through the room, (Y/N) slowly got a picture inside his head, of how he wanted the room to look like.

"Yosh! Let's do this!" With an excited smile, the boy began to clean the room with unyielding resolve, getting rid of all the spider webs, tidying up the room until it had reached the image he wanted. Once the boy had placed his belongings where he had basically pictured them, a smile came over his face.

"Alright, this should about do it. I'll probably rarely be here, but may as well make it fancy. So for the finishing touches..." (Y/N) closed his eyes as he slowly allowed his mana to deep into the room, a black glow surrounding everything the mana encompassed. Slowly, the entire room was covered in the black mana as (Y/N) concentrated, the room around him beginning to take shape, objects beginning to appear and some beginning to change. For example, a closet had now appeared off one of the walls of the room, a door with black tinted glass separating the inside of the closet and the room.

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