25th Page: Midnight Sun Incursion

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Capital Town, Kikka

Yuno stared down the distant witch disinterestedly, wind magic swirling around him.

"Who are you calling an old hag?!" The witch yelled in rage, summoning up cursed balls around her, waving her hands towards Yuno.

"[Ash Curse Magic: Cheerful Ash Destruction.]" The witch chanted as the curse balls blasted off towards Yuno, the boy jumping away with wind magic, effectively dodging the first volley. However, he kept on the move to dodge the still incoming attacks.

"These are cursed bullets with various curses inside them." The witch explained as she watched Yuno dodge the bullets, weaving around them with his wind magic.

"You won't know what you'll get until they hit you!" The witch taunted with a laugh, excitement flashing in her eyes.

Yuno glanced back behind him, sending a wave of concentrated air towards the witch, forcing her to dodge as she scowled.

"Who are you people? What are you after?" Yuno inquired, taking the chance to see if he could learn anything from this old hag.

"My, my. Look at you, with such ample time to talk. Well...since you're hot, I guess I'll tell you."  The witch smiled as she flew up parallel to Yuno, keeping at pace with him.

"We're here to simply eliminate someone. That is our goal." The witch revealed, causing questions to arise within Yuno.

"Eliminate someone?" Yuno repeated, making sure he'd heard her correctly.

"Who do you think it is, darling?" The witch asked with a sickeningly sweet smile.

Yuno only looked elsewhere, where he felt the magic signatures of other Magic Knights. If they hadn't been teleported away...then it surely had to be one of them, if the target was a Magic Knight.

"Well, I'm definitely not going to tell you." The witch laughed as she waved her hand, a dozen more curse balls rocketing towards Yuno, causing his eyes to widen.


"You're working with at least one other. A spatial mage, since I'm well aware that Magic isn't yours. Where are they?" Fuegoleon inquired towards Rades, though the man didn't reply.

"Have they already fled perhaps?" Yet again, Rades didn't respond.

"What are you all hoping to gain from this!? There's no need for all this bloodshed!" Alice yelled at Rades, anger clearly evident in her eyes. Nearby, Leopold, Asta and Noelle all nodded in agreement, but Fuegoleon showed no reaction.

"No matter where you send the Magic Knights, you alone don't have enough power to overtake the royal capital. So that means that there's certainly backup somewhere in our midsts...doesn't it?" Fuegoleon glared sharply at Rades, but the man held his silence.

"I can't imagine that this was just to go after the king." Fuegoleon spoke, and within the castle, the King was being watched by Marx and some other subordinates of the Wizard King.

"You've made it clear that your motive is revenge, but what's the goal of this little incursion really?" Fuegoleon questioned, Rades laughing quietly.

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