31st Page: Waning Light

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Cavern System...

Is it weird to see a bunch of dull-eyed kids all sitting on the harsh flooring of a frosty cave? No? Well, at least the two people overseeing them don't seem to think so.

"I'm happy I made so many friends." A voice called out in front of the kids, belonging to a young boy with whiteish-cyan hair.

"L-Let's all get along." The boy continued nervously, though none of the dazed kids responded.

Looking around, Marie could be seen among the horde of kids, even Rebecca's siblings were there. All...dazed.

"Huh...? Where am I?" Marie thought as she looked around, seeing the various kids. How had she gotten here?

"This isn't the church...what am I doing here? Everyone seems so out of it...what's wrong?" Marie thought, slowly becoming alarmed as the kids around her showed no reactions.

"Make sure you stay good boys and girls with the spell I'm using."

Hearing the strange, new voice, Marie looked to see the whiteish-cyan haired boy speaking with the kids.

"Who is that? Did he put a spell on everyone? Come to think of it, Brother did say that the mirror he gave me would protect me from magic a little." Marie smiled lightly despite her confusion. Her brother truly cared about her.

"So, that's why I..." Marie's attention was suddenly grabbed as the boy walked up in front of her, his Grimoire open.

"Looks like my spell broke on you. I wonder why...well, either way, you bad girl. We can't be friends if you won't be a good girl and stay under the spell." The boy's gray eyes looked at Marie as he spoke.

"But that's wrong. Putting someone under a spell isn't a way to make friends. That isn't a real friend." Marie denied, shaking her head at the comment.

Suddenly, the boys' eyes widened in shock.

"How could you say something so cruel? A friend would never say that!" The boy yelled, before backhanding Marie and sending her a few feet away.

"Neige...didn't I tell you not to damage the goods?" Another voice interrupted, a man walking up behind the now named Neige.

"Honestly, you're hopeless." The man grunted as he pulled Neige's hair roughly, Neige's face contorting in pain.

"I'm sorry, Baro!" Neige coughed out, slowly being choked and having to deal with the pain.

Dropping him, Baro then turned his attention to Marie, clicking on the specialized Magic Glasses he wore.

"She's definitely the prize this time. Imagine having that much magic at her age!" Baro chuckled darkly, seeing the dense aura of mana around Marie. That magic would be his for the taking!

Looking around, Baro saw the auras surrounding all the other kids weren't like hers. Most were a usual blue color, but there was one yellow, causing his face to scrunch up in annoyance.

"That brat barely has any magic. I told you to only bring the ones with a lot of magic, Neige!" Baro growled, walking up to the kid, Rebecca's younger brother, and grabbing him by his shirt.

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