44th Page: The Sea Goddess

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Underwater Temple,
Within the Temple...

Vetto menacingly began to approach the newest prey, his magic flaring around him as he walked forth, Noelle taking a small step back, a drop of sweat forming on her face.

"Not yet!" Suddenly, below the moving Vetto, Asta quickly reclaimed the Demon-Dweller Sword, leaping at the beastly man, who only dropped his grin, a scowl forming on his face.

"Losers...can get lost!" Vetto scowled at Asta, his fist engulfed in [Beast Magic], slashing viciously at Asta, sending him flying and rocketing towards a nearby wall.

"Asta!" Noelle and Alice shouted in worry, seeing their magic less Squadmate get repelled easily.

"[Song Magic: Rhythm Cushion!]" Seeing Asta get launched, Kahono instantly sprang into action, using her magic to conjure up a bubble behind Asta, catching him and sparing him from crashing into the walls.

"Thanks, Kahono!" Noelle smiled at her friend, Alice breathing a sigh of relief when she saw Asta was safe.

"Akari, let's go! Kahono, Noelle, try to back us up. We're fighting someone on an extremely different level, don't let your guard down for even a moment!" Alice instantly took charge of the situation, taking to the offense instead of letting Vetto take the lead. Akari nodded as Alice sprang forth, Akari beginning to cast her own spells behind.

"[Shadowflame Magic: Crimson Blades, Nocturnal Flare!]" Alice held nothing back, instantly casting her spells in an impressive display of double-casting, four crimson flame blades manifesting around her, before two of them combined together to form a single, pitch black-flame blade.

Commanding her blades to attack, Alice used her swords to surround Vetto, attacking him from all sides as Vetto simply stomped on the ground, the rocks around him shattering and flying into the air, crashing against Alice's swords. However, that only knocked the crimson flame blades away, as the blackened flame blade continued on its path towards Vetto.

"It seems you've gotten stronger since the last time! No matter, it's still not good enough!" Vetto grinned savagely, kicking the floor under him and leaping towards the skies, his claws slashing right through Alice's flame blade, causing her eyes to narrow, a drop of sweat falling down her face.

"[Blossom Creation Magic: Gardens of Evora.]" Akari chanted, a mystical azure haze covering her Grimoire as she casted her spell, and similarly colored azure magic began to cover the grounds, forming a field of flowers beneath the group.

Seeing the spell below him, Vetto smashed his fist into the ground, sending a shockwave towards Akari, who only clicked her tongue, though she reinforced her body with mana, jumping away from the shockwave, it crashing into a wall where she used to be, the rock instantly shattering into dust.

"That much power behind just his shockwaves?!" Akari stared at where she stood previously, shock clear on her face. It was clearly just a casual attack, yet the impact was still this powerful...

Locking eyes with Alice, the two sorceresses nodded to each other. Alice quickly sprang to the left, Akari splitting off towards the right as they circled around Vetto, the beastly man laughing quietly to himself.

"[Shadowflame Magic:-"

"[Blossom Magic:-"

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