35th Page: Squad Mission

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Magic Knights HQ,
Underground Prison

A tense atmosphere hung in the air, the previous declaration hanging heavily over the inhabitants of the room.

"There is a traitor among you who is working alongside the Eye of the Midnight Sun and Seven Specialists."

Julius' words rang across the minds of all the Captains, surprise plastered on their faces. One of the Captains, the highest level of Magic Knights...was a traitor?

"The Eye of the Midnight Sun is led by a man named Licht, who owns a Four-Leaf Grimoire. They are a terrorist group of whom Licht formed six years ago, and they hold a grudge against the Clover Kingdom. They have about fifty mages who are members in their ranks. Among them, there is Licht, their leader, as well as the three they call the Third Eye: Raia the Disloyal, Vetto the Despair, and Fana the Hateful. These three are much stronger than any of the other members. They all hold a very deep grudge against the Clover Kingdom, and they use that to justify their terroristic actions, and their endgame is to form an independent country of their own. In addition to that, the Seven Specialists seem to have been hired for this, despite their refusal to get involved in large-scale actions before now. Led by Arran, we know that three of the Seven are working with the Eye of the Midnight Sun. As for the other four, their locations are still unknown, though I feel as if they won't make an appearance in this. Most likely, they're dividing their forces and attacking the other three Kingdom's as well. That about covers everything, doesn't it?" Julius summarized, going over all the currently known details of the incursion caused by both the Eye of the Midnight Sun and Seven Specialists. Something told him all the Specialists wouldn't take part in this conflict, and Julius was quite confident in his ability to foretell things.

"Yes." George and Catherine, who were still held captive by [Memoir Absolu], lifelessly replied. Due to the spell cast on them, they were incapable of lying or withholding details.

"However, this is still the most important detail. I've learned that amongst you, there is a traitor working with the Eye of the Midnight Sun and Seven Specialists." Julius smiled impassively, seemingly neither joyful nor angry. It was pretty hard to tell what he was thinking.

Despite having heard it before, surprise once more passed through all the Captains. How were they suddenly supposed to accept one of them was a traitor?! More importantly, how would they know who the traitor was?

"What?! Among the C-C-Captains?!" Rill stuttered, surprise coloring his face.

"...As much as I hate to say it, it's not like I didn't see this coming." Rin narrowed her eyes, but she held her suspicions to herself. It wasn't as if she knew who the traitor was, so she wasn't going to start pointing anyone out.

"I knew it." Nozel's eyes glazed over frostily, the situation beginning to make sense. There was no way the assault could've gone as it did with all the barrier mages in place, unless, there was inside interference.

Jack giggled to himself as he eyed his fellow Captains, some amusement shown in his eyes.

"Who could it be?" Charlotte glanced around the room, looking at all the other Captains gathered within. One of them was against the rest?

Gueldre laughed creepily as he looked around, glancing from Captain to Captain. William observed silently, as did Yami, the two gazing at their fellow Captains.

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