14th Page: Showdown

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Mysterious Dungeon...

(Y/N), Asta, Noelle and Alice ran swiftly through corridors, still following Nero's lead.

"There's a fight going on...no, there's two - three?!" (Y/N)'s eyes widened slightly as he sensed three different magic clashes, though inwardly he was excited.

"There are multiple fights going on right now...we need to hurry!" With the reminder from (Y/N), the group ran even faster towards their destination.




"Keep winning, Luck!"

A manic smile was planted on Luck's face as he clawed at his opponent, intent on tearing him to shreds.

"So dangerous." Seeing his opponents reckless fury, the black haired man dodged within the smoke.

"You're getting faster and sharper, interesting." The man spoke again as Luck clawed at his face, only for the man to disappear in the smoke, appearing a small distance away.


"I'll keep winning!" Luck's smile only widened further as he rushed at his opponent, clawing at the air and sending arcs of electricity at the man.

"All I need to win are my powers!" Luck once more kicked at the man, sending him flying a small distance back.

"Well, in that case, sorry kid, but I can't afford to lose here, either." The man spoke as Luck leaped into the air, intent on landing a heavy strike on the man, though said person only grimly smiled.

"[Smoke Creation Magic: Binding Cross Prison.]" Smoke surged towards Luck, enveloping him and effectively stunning, and stopping, the mad rush.

"Solid smoke?! I can't move at all..." Luck's smile dwindled a little as he realized he was completely powerless in these bindings.

"This uses a lot of magic, so I really didn't want to use it, but you forced my hand, kid." The man sighed as he rubbed the back of his head in annoyance.

"Though I'm not doing so hot on mana, that'll stop you from zipping around." The man explained as he rubbed the leftover scratch from Luck's initial attack.

"I wonder how the kids are doing...Ouch..." The man winced as he felt the pain, though he thought of Mars and Kite, who were both heading towards the dungeon's treasure room.

"They aren't exactly experts at communication...oh well, I'm sure they'll be fine." The man shrugged with a sweatdrop, only to feel an explosion in the distance as he sighed.

"I guess it was too much to hope, eh they'll be fine." The man murmured to himself, not noticing Luck struggle against his bindings.


"Hmm..." The black haired boy, Kite, hummed as he examined the scene in front of him. Two Magic Knight Squads against himself and Mars.

"Kite, there's no need for you to take action here. Let me finish this." Mars spoke as he grabbed the boys shoulder, making Kite shrug and sheath his sword.

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