38th Page: Rising Tides

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Strong Magic Region,
Underwater Temple

Surrounded by water on all sides, the Black Bulls descended into the massive abyss known as the sea. Noelle's [Sea Dragon's Cradle] travelled at a fast pace throughout the water, descending deeper and deeper into the ocean.

The moonlight from above shone in an ethereal manner, providing a soft layer of light to the slowly darkening surroundings.

"Woah...this is amazing!" (Y/N)'s eyes widened as he looked around, the sight of the moonlight combined with the darkness in the rushing waters managing to surprise him. He hadn't expected such a beautiful sight as soon as they'd entered!

"Yeah! This is amazing, Noelle! But..." Asta added in, though he ended up sweatdropping from his position of being smushed into the turbulent water wall, (Y/N) deadpanning as well, though he never bothered to complain about being smushed.

"G-Grey..." Magna managed to wheeze out, Grey's massive figure towering inside the bubble and essentially shoving all the others into sides of the bubble. It didn't help that the floatie Grey had on was just as big as he was.

"Get off me, you big lub of tard!" Magna cursed, though he only groaned as he was further pushed up against Noelle's...mostly harmless [Sea Dragon's Cradle].

"I think I want to kill you." Luck smiled maniacally, slowly getting smushed up into Noelle's spell.

"Hey! No killing here! Bad Luck, bad!" (Y/N) deadpanned, only half of his face visible as Grey continued to slowly push him into the barrier. Was...was Grey getting bigger?!

"This...now this is a vexing opponent!" Orion, who's face was complete hidden behind the floatie Grey wore, managed to laugh out as Ruby deadpanned at him. Was he still finding enjoyment in this?

"Grey, turn into someone smaller please." Melody's soft voice echoed through the bubble, Grey seemingly turning to look at her before, in a poof of smoke, Grey's massive figure disappeared and instead came out Charmy, though it was simply Grey hidden by his magic.

"How's this, my inferiors?" Grey-Charmy smiled joyfully, an innocent look on her face.

"YOU EVEN TOOK HER EGO?!" (Y/N) and Asta both yelled, looking at Grey-Charmy in horror. Was that a side effect of the magic?!

"Pipe down, pipsqueaks. Anyway, well done, Noelle. I'll be counting on you to get us to the Underwater Temple. And make it pronto, got it?" Yami encouraged Noelle, giving her his signature murderous glare. Ah yes, the oldest sort of encouragement in the book - scaring the living hell out of them. Very effective.

"O-Of course! Hold on to something!"

"H-He praised me, but somehow I also feel threatened..."

Noelle gave a strained smile, though her words had confused the other Black Bulls members.

"Hold on to something? Eh?" (Y/N) looked around the bubble. There was nothing to hold onto except each other.

"Here we go!" Noelle yelled, the group suddenly speeding up massively, and everyone apart from Noelle and Yami flew back, crashing together at the edge of the bubble.

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