36th Page: A Black Beach

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Capital Town

(Did you guys know that this first section was anime only? I literally looked back at the manga, and from what I know this is anime-original content :o. Also, we've officially entered my favorite BC arc~!)

It was a quiet, peaceful night in the luxurious town of Kikka. The stars glittered radiantly overhead as few people were seen traversing the city streets, though the ones who did were chatting merrily.

Within the sea of stars, a silver light glinted as a magic-created carriage of steel soared above the peaceful skies.

"We were able to complete our mission yet again today." The stern voice of Klaus resonated above the carriage, said light blue haired boy looking forward as his Grimoire shone brightly before him.

Behind him, Mimosa and Yuno sat quietly as they listened to their team leader.

"I'm sure our great Captain Vangeance will praise us." Klaus felt a smile begin to form on his lips, already almost imagining the soft smile his Captain gave them whenever they'd done a good deed.

"Hai!" Mimosa smiled warmly, confident that they would get recognition from the Golden Dawn Captain for their latest accomplishment.

"But, Yuno..." Klaus trailed off.

"Yes?" Yuno replied back nonchalantly, his eyes alternating between his team leader and the luminous town below.

"Sylph, was it? Your spirit magic is indeed powerful." Klaus acknowledged, flashing back to the appearance of the strange spirit within their latest battle, Yuno having single-handedly turned the tide on the group of bandits they'd battled.

"However, you need to stop fighting on your own. We are a team!" Klaus claimed, glancing back as he saw Mimosa smile, Yuno looking down at the town below.

"Yuno is ignoring him brilliantly." Mimosa smiled helplessly, seeing the black-haired mage ignore Klaus. It amused her a bit as to how the two got along.

"Got it? Next time, don't ignore my orders and defeat all the enemies instantly! We will do things according to my plans!" Klaus scolded, only for Yuno to pokerfaced, still ignoring him.

"Are you listening, Yuno?!" Klaus asked, a tick mark on his head.

"I am." Yuno replied back mindlessly, looking at the town below yet still.

"Excellent." Klaus smiled, satisfied as he looked forward once more.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAA!" A shrill scream tore through the otherwise peaceful night, instantly putting the three Golden Dawn mages on edge.

"That scream..." Klaus' glasses shone, his gaze turning vigilant as he surveyed the town below.

"I think it came from over there." Yuno pointed out, looking at a certain building below the group.

"I wonder if there's an incident." Mimosa pondered aloud, gazing at the building Yuno pointed out with a curious gaze.

"Let's go!" Instantly, Klaus redirected the steel carriage as it began to descend, the Golden Dawn mages quickly reaching the ground, hopping off the carriage and sprinting towards the source of the scream.

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