42nd Page: Battle of the Beasts

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(Has my dumbass really posted a page without a title? Yes.)

Underwater Temple,
Within the Temple...

"Why! Are! There! So! Many! Rooms!" (Y/N)'s eyes twitched as he ran, practically turned into a blur as he sped from cavern to cavern within the temple, trying to find the next opening so that he could descend down the temple.

"Yelling won't help you." Shimon deadpanned at (Y/N), riding on a wave of [Water Magic], watching lifelessly as (Y/N) somehow managed to get them even further from the nearest opening. Just how bad was his sense of direction?

"Neither will your bitching!" (Y/N) retorted, flashing into a nearby cavern, before a loud, exasperated grunt echoed through the cavern, the (h/c) haired boy returning in an instant and proceeding forward.

"Dumbass." Shimon sighed heavily to himself. This was going to be a long walk. It certainly didn't help that explosions seemed to rock the temple every so often...!

Further down, rocks crashed and flew through the air as two figures flashed about the room, their arms clad in mana as the two shared attack after attack, causing immense shock waves to ravage the cavern they were in.

Vetto smiled sinisterly, a sudden surge of [Beast Magic] reinforcing his claw as he thrust his arm forward towards Orion, who's eyes narrowed before he stomped on the ground, shattering it as a myriad of rocks flew into the air, Vetto shattering them with his [Bear Claw] and creating a smokescreen, Orion rushing into the smoke.

Vetto then clapped both of his [Beast Magic]-clad hands together, dispersing the storm of dust and unveiling Orion, who currently glared at Vetto as he flipped his body in the air, kicking down at Vetto from above.

A wide smile on is face, Vetto responded in kind as he swerved his claw towards Orion, the two clashing as Orion got sent flying back, Vetto stumbling back a few steps, though he quickly regained his posture and leapt forward, clawing at Orion. The Black Bulls' Magic Knight rolled to the side, before he smashed his fist on the floor, using the force to rocket back onto his feet as mana surged to his gauntlet-clad hands.

"[Dragon Magic..." Orion growled, the mana around his claws seeming to run rampant as Vetto's eyes widened, Orion's Grimoire seeming to shine blindingly.

"Just what is this magic?! The mana...it's rushing towards him! No...even more, the mana is perfectly under his control! This much control of his mana..." Vetto's eyes widened in shock, and with his keen senses and perfected mana sense, he could practically see the mana around Orion amplify, Vetto's forearms surging with even more [Beast Magic].

"Just how can a human get the blessings of the mana?!" Vetto thought in shock, though his gaze hardened, now realizing he couldn't afford to play around with someone of Orion's caliber. Just like him, he was also blessed by the mana...!

"...-:Kiriac's Claw!]" Orion shouted, the magic around his gauntlet surging, enlarging as the claw now seemed several times its size, Orion glancing at Vetto before he clawed at him, Vetto attacking the claw with his own, causing a shockwave to erupt from the clash, the ground behind Vetto being pulverized, and the beastly man himself retreating a step,  though his footsteps cause indents into the ground.

A grin forming on his face at the prospect of a challenging opponent, Vetto rushed forth, leaving a fierce whirlwind in his wake from the sudden movement, appearing before Orion in an instant as the beast of a man clawed down at him, his left hands' [Bear Claw] shooting straight for Orion, whilst his right crashed through the ground, Vetto manipulating his mana as the claw burst through behind Orion, who's eyes narrowed as he barely caught sight of the pincer attack.

Night's Wrath (Black Clover x Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant