12th Page: A Visit to Home

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Castle Town, Kikka...

"How did I get dragged into coming here again?" (Y/N) asked as he sighed, exasperated. Somehow, he'd been roped into coming with Vanessa, Asta, Noelle and Alice into the town, something about "Stocking up on supplies."

"You agreed to come, remember?" Alice giggled as she reminded the boy, making him annoyed as he look to the side, only to have Alice poke his cheek, making Noelle slightly annoyed.

"Let's just focus on what we came here for!" The tsundere water mage commented, annoyed at the scene in front of her.

"Alright, alright." Alice spoke heartily, skipping away towards Vanessa as overhead (Y/N) saw Gauche flying on a broom, a stack of clothes in his hand, saying something he couldn't quite hear.

Behind them, (Y/N) felt a presence as he turned around, seeing a girl with blue wearing a black robe walk into a store.

"Mister..." The group even heard Charmy's voice, finding her in a tense stare off with a man who they assumed was a chef as the two talked like old rivals. Well, food rivals.

After watching Charmy swallow down a nauseating amount of food, the group moved on.

"Hmm..." (Y/N) hummed as he looked around the plaza, not finding anything particularly eye catching, only seeing Finral get rejected by a red haired girl, making (Y/N) snicker slightly.

"Actually, oi, Finral!" Approaching the boy who was just about to move to find another girl, (Y/N) called out to get his attention.

"Huh? Oh, (Y/N), what's up?" Finral looked surprised as he layed eyes upon his fellow Black Bull, not seeing him there previously.

"Can you use your spatial magic real quick? Make a portal to anywhere, it doesn't matter. Well, unless it's like a volcano or something, in which case just make it to an open field or something." (Y/N) specified his location, confusing Finral, but he did as asked and opened a spatial portal to a nearby open field.

Sticking his hand through the portal, (Y/N) narrowed his eyes in concentration, focusing on the feeling of his arm being transported to a different locations, memorizing it in his muscle memory within a few seconds as he pulled his arm back, a grin on his face.

"Thanks, Finral!" Waving at the Spatial mage of the Black Bulls, (Y/N) walked away and back to the shop Alice, Vanessa, Noelle and Asta were all at, leaving behind a confused Finral.

"That was weird..." Finral spoke to himself, though he saw a pretty girl nearby, rushing over to introduce himself.

With (Y/N), multiple thoughts were rushing through his head.

"I need to apply this feeling as a way of transportation in two methods, a way I can use to teleport short distances and do an attack directly after I warp, and a long-distance travel spell. The long distance spell is going to need practice, so let's focus on the warp strike first..." (Y/N) thought as he walked in the shop, not realizing he'd walked into the girls section, leaving behind a speechless Asta.

"Hmm, perhaps I can make it so as soon as I finish teleporting I attack, but that won't be a spell will it? It'd be more like a technique...speaking of techniques, I don't actually have any of my own do I?" (Y/N) continued to think, still not having realized he'd walked into the girls area as he subconsciously headed to where he felt the magic signatures of Noelle, Vanessa and Alice.

Night's Wrath (Black Clover x Male Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora