10th Page: A Mission to Remember

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At Saussy Village...

The Black Bulls group consisting of (Y/N), Asta, Noelle, Alice and Magna stood in front of the entrance to Saussy Village, a tense atmosphere as they all stared down the mist that strangely encompasses the entire town.

"To surround the entire town in mist takes a lot of magic, magic that these villagers don't have. And this sure as hell isn't Old Man Seyhe's magic, either!" The further he examined the situation, the angrier Magna got. Just who had done this?!

"No use in getting angry right now, we need to get through this mist!" Summoning Heaven's Reach, (Y/N) flicked the sword, the blade segmenting as the boy swung the sword into the mist, however it only caused minimal movement in the mist.

"We can't use magic either, since we could potentially hit one of the villagers." Hearing Alice say this, Magna got an idea as he looked at Asta.

"Asta! Use your sword to clear the way through this fog!" Magna instructed Asta.

"Sure thing!" Asta began running at the mist, only to stop and stare back at Magna, confused.

"Wait, why am I hitting the mist? And how can I even hit mist?" Asta questioned Magna, a clueless look on his face.

"Asta, the mist is made of magic, so your sword should be able to cut through the mist, dispersing it and letting us walk through it." Alice explained as Asta has a "Oh" face.

"Alright, let's go then! Asta, on you." (Y/N) put his hand on Asta's shoulder, both boys nodding at the other.

"You got it! Haaaaaaa!" Asta charged at the mist, summoning a black broadsword from his Grimoire, slicing away at the mist, effectively clearing a path the group slowly traverse through, always on guard.

With Magna directing Asta's location movements and (Y/N) dispersing the misty frost that got too close, the group traversed deeper into the town, though the mist didn't seem to be giving up.

Suddenly, a chill made all the mages who could sense mana blank out for a second.

"Asta, stop for a second." (Y/N) put his hand in front of Asta to motion him to stop.

"Huh? Why?" Asta asked confused, though he stopped cutting at the mist.

"Did everyone else feel that?" Magna questioned, getting a nod from (Y/N), Noelle and Alice.

"There's someone here...someone incredibly strong..." Alice's hands began shivering, the girl quickly using her magic to counter the frost.

"Be on your guard, don't miss any details. Asta, let's go!" (Y/N) commanded the group, and once again Magna directed Asta on where to go, the group slowly getting closer to the center square of the town.

"Straight ahead, Asta!" Magna gave the command as Asta swung his broadsword ahead of him, dispelling the wall of mist to reveal a bunch of villagers, all tattered and seemingly sitting down.

"What...the hell...." Looking around, both adults and children were laying in the center square, countless scratches on them. A fight broke out here...but with who?

"(Y-Y/N)..." Slowly grabbing the boys' arm, Alice pointed (Y/N)'s gaze above the villagers, making the boys eyes widen.

"Who did this?" Above the villagers were giant spikes of ice, some shaking and seeming ready to fall onto the defenseless captives below, a slaughter.

Night's Wrath (Black Clover x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora