An Open Mind

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I was breaking all of my rules.

And for what?

I didn't know.

Pulling my blond hair into a pony tail, I slid my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and left my room.

"Mom!" I called, stepping into my shoes as I walked toward the living room that doubled as her room.

"Yeah honey?"

"I'm going out for a little bit. Can I get you anything before I leave?"

She was in her bed, like she'd be anywhere else.

"Chips and salsa." She demanded.

As much as it bothered me I didn't say anything, instead turning into the kitchen to gather the bag of tortilla chips and a jar of salsa with a bowl.

"Aunt Carla said she was going to come by with some dinner in a little bit. I don't think I'll be late but I'll be home after dinner sometime." I told her.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

I sat the food down on the bed within her reach. Not exactly sure how to answer that million dollar question. There was no way I could tell her the truth. I'd never gone out of my way to help another patient like I was about to do for Owen. And if I told her, she'd read to far into things.

"Just helping out a friend." I said, the word friend associated with Owen felt strange on my tongue.

We weren't friends.

I wouldn't let that happen.

"Is this friend a boy?" Her tone teasing.

I rolled my eyes, "no mom, no boy."

She shook her head, her hand finding mine before I could walk away.

"You know Mina, you shouldn't let what happened with your dad and I keep you from finding someone."

I laughed, I couldn't help it. All Penny had ever done was teach me not to fall for a guy. Whether she did that directly or indirectly I wasn't sure but her actions spoke louder than any words ever could.

"I'm fine mom." I told her. I gently pulled my hand from hers. "I gotta go though. Love you."

I kissed her on the cheek as she mumbled a goodbye and headed out the door.

I couldn't lie. My heart was beating a little hard in my chest as I navigated to Owen's. I didn't want him to think I was pushing him. But I knew he missed sports. He had to.

"What am I doing?" I muttered to myself.

I pulled into Owen's driveway, my knuckles gripped around my steering wheel. Why did I feel like this was such a big deal? It wasn't a date. Much to my surprise Owen hadn't even teased that it might be when I had asked him about today.

I took a deep breath, climbing out of my car. I had played today out in my mind more than once and the worst thing that could happen was Owen got mad and completely shut down when we got to Crip. If that happened I'd just stuff him back in my car and bring him home and never go out of my way for him again. Or maybe the worst thing that could happen was he absolutely loved it and read more into my motives than what actually existed. This was purely business.

Just business.

I knocked on the front door, taking a deep breath. A smile tried to tug to my mouth as I heard him shout from the other side. The words muffled by the door. I waited patiently, Owen appearing on the other side as it swung open.

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