Take the Plunge

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When I woke up, I texted Owen as he had requested.

Me: you're obnoxious

His response was almost instantaneous.

Savas: I hope you tell me that for the rest of my life

I bit my lip, aware that I was smiling because of Owen and his not so subtle flirting. And I was aware that I liked it.

Me: don't count on it

Savas: did you hear that? It was the sound of my heart shattering in my chest.

Me: oh my god. You're almost as dramatic as Max.

Savas: can we make a rule? You're only allowed to break my heart on Monday's between 1pm and 4pm.

Me: I'm rolling my eyes, so you know

Savas: I'd expect nothing less. don't even care why those hours?

Me: no

Savas: not even a little curious?

Me: no

Savas: it's because you're in class then and don't check your phone anyway so the chances of you breaking my heart are slim to none

My heart was beating away in my chest, a smile on my face because no one was around to witness the fact that I was blushing.

Me: you know my schedule?

Savas: if I say yes does that make me seem like a creep?

I laughed through my nose, shaking my head at him. Who took the time to learn someone else's schedule? Apparently Owen. But I didn't mind. Not really. It was sort of sweet that he had taken the time to remember the things I said.

Me: yes

But I'd never let him know that.

Savas: well shit

Me: it's okay I keep a baseball bat in my car if you get too creepy I'll just beat you with it

Savas: good god

Savas: remind me never to piss you off

I bit my lower lip, wanting to continue whatever this conversation was but I couldn't. I knew the more I allowed moments like these, the more hope I gave Owen. And even though I wanted too, I could never let myself open up to him. Not completely. I'd always be guarded. I didn't know how to be anything else.

So I got up and went for my run, ignoring the next text that Owen sent.


"I'm signing up for my first race, it's in two months." Katie told me as she pulled the bar closer to her chest.

"That's awesome!" I told her. "Took you long enough."

She laughed, slowly releasing the bar back to the machine. "I wanted to make sure I was as fit as possible."

"How'd you know you were ready?" I asked.

She took a deep breath and on her exhale once again pulling the bar to her chest. Her form nearly perfect, muscles flexed. As she released the bar she glanced at me.

"Oh I don't think I'm ready." She told me.

I laughed. "Then why sign up?"

"Because if I don't try, I'll never know." She got ready to do another rep. "Sometimes you have to just take the plunge, you know?"

I nodded my head, even though I didn't. I'd been trying to "take the plunge" when it came to sending my dad a letter for months now. And I was no closer to it than before I'd found his letters.

"Besides I've got two months to train." Katie smiled. "And you better believe I'm going to go hard."

I didn't say anything, watching as she continued through the exercise. She didn't even need me there really, she was plenty strong and even when she struggled she just continued to push through it. She was a force.

"I met Owen the other day." Katie said as we started in on another exercise.

Sarah had swung over, watching the last few reps of the exercise Katie was doing before setting us up with another and watching for a minute to make sure Katie and I had the form down. She had slipped off to help another therapist with a patient.

"At Crip?" I asked.

The mention of Owen's name had a smile trying to tug it's way on my face.

"Yeah." She said on a forced breath. "Derrick got to watch him play, he said he's really good."

That time I did smile. "I don't think Owen knows how to not be good at sports. Kind of like you."

She laughed. "Please I'm not good at sports, I'm good at running. Hand me a ball and I've got about as much coordination as a wet noodle."

"I'll believe it when I see it." I said.

She shook her head, smiling as she continued through the exercise. But just when I thought the conversation was over and we had grazed by Owen with minimal focus she said "He mentioned you".

And of course, my curiosity sparked. My mouth speaking before my brain could tell me otherwise.

"He did?"

My heart jumped in my chest.

Her smile grew. "Yes, he did."

What could he have possible said about me?

"Like what?" I shouldn't have asked. I shouldn't have cared what Owen said about me.

She gave me a sly smile, exhaling as she did. "Oh just that you're wonderful and perfect and the sun rises and sets with you."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, okay."

"Okay so not those exact words but that boys got it bad." She said.

I was past trying to convince myself and everyone else that Owen didn't like me. He made it very, very clear he did. But it didn't go farther than like. That I was sure of. It couldn't.

"We're just friends." I clarified.

Katie snorted, letting go of the bar. It retracted on the cable it was attached to, back to it's resting place on the weight machine.

"Now that I absolutely do not believe."


I keep saying this but I can't wait for you guys to catch up to where Owen's story stops.

Today's my anniversary! Four years. Kind of can't believe it's been four years but also feel like it just happened.

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