Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: (Ryder's POV)

"Call me when you need me." Bella said in her disgusting squeaky voice as she waddled away and then drove away in her porsche, leaving me alone with Mia, since our friends left when they realized it was best to leave Mia and me alone. "Mia..." I trailed off but before I could say anything, Mia spoke up. "I trusted you, Ryder. And you broke my heart, again!" she cried. She was trying so hard to not cry in front of me but she couldn't hold it in, just like the night I broke up with her. "Mia, I can promise you, Bella had nothing to do with our breakup." I explained.

"Then why did you go to her that night? Or are you just going to tell me she was lying?" she scoffed as she began struggling to open her door again. "Mia, I love you." I said pleadingly.
"Then why the fuck did you kiss her? Why the fuck did you go see her that night?" she screamed in frustration. "Saying 'I love you' doesn't fix things, Ryder. You can't put a bandaid to a stab wound." she mumbled under her breath as she tried switching keys once again. "What can I do to fix this? What do you want me to do?" I begged.

"I want you to stay away from me." she said bluntly, looking me in the eyes, dead seriously.
I can't stay away from her, I'm in love with her. "I can't do that. I don't care how hard you make this for me, I'm not leaving you, after fucking up so badly, not again." I sighed as I tried holding her hands but she pulled them away from me. "Then keep trying. I'll make it the hardest it's ever been to win me back." she said bitterly before slapping me across my face and then finally opening the door. Before I could follow her in, she slammed the door in my face. I immediately ran over to my house and to my room, to go to her house from my window, she never locks it.

I sprinted up to my room and jumped into her room before she could walk in. I waited there for a few moments until I heard her scream from the kitchen. I walked out and to the stairs, but I couldn't bring my feet to move and myself to go to her. I just stood there, and watched her cry. She was sobbing. That was an understatement. She was breaking. I really fucked up.

She threw everything to the floor and sat down on the kitchen stool, burying her face in her arms while they rested on the kitchen counter. I slowly walked down the stairs and walked over to her. "Mia?" I asked, making her jump a little. "How the hell did you get in here? What are you doing here?" she asked as she immediately got up and started backing away from me. "I got in from your window." I admitted. "Get the hell out of my house." she wiped her tears away, trying to look stronger. "I'm not leaving you." I simply stated, making her groan in frustration.

"Ryder, leave. My parents will be here in the evening and I don't want to have to explain why my ex-boyfriend is in my house." she walked over to me and tried pushing me to the door, but I wouldn't budge. "I'll be there to say that your ex-boyfriend now hates himself for leaving you and breaking your heart and is now here, trying to win you back." I got away from her and stood in front of her.

"Ryder, you can't fucking be here. Get that through your head!" she yelled.
"Why? Why can't I be here? And you not wanting me here doesn't count as a reason to me." I stood there with my arms folded across my chest. "It's the biggest reason!" she grabbed her bag and began running up the stairs and to her room. I ran up as fast as I could, trying to catch up. She tried slamming the door in my face again while I tried to force it open. I was scared I could hurt her, so I got her to open it herself, and probably broke my fingers in the process, but I put my hand in between the door, making her slam the door on my hand, making me groan from the pain.

She immediately realized what had happened and quickly opened it. "Oh my god! A-are you ok? I-I didn't mean for that to happen. I'm so sorry! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" she began crying as she grabbed my arm and dragged me down to the kitchen where she kept an extra first aid kit. She ran to under the sink, and got the first aid kit out. "Please sit down, let me help!" she said worried, I sat on the counter and crossed my legs so she could get closer. She ran to the fridge and grabbed a packet of peas and gently took my hand in hers and began icing my hand. "You know I put my hand there on purpose right?" I asked while I looked at her in adoration as she took care of me. "Yeah I know. Why the hell would you do that?" she asked, still looking at my hand, being very careful while icing it.

"You look adorable when you do that." I softly chuckled as I kept looking at her, literally in love. "You're sitting on your ass, looking at me, instead of worrying about your hand?" she held back a smile as she questioned me. "Yes I am." I admitted proudly. "And I could do it for hours." I mumbled but she heard and held a smile back. "I'm still mad at you. I just don't want to see you hurt." she informed me like I needed to be told. "Ok." I simply said as she still iced it. "Ryder, why the hell did you put your hand in the middle?" she sighed as she went and put the packet of peas back in the freezer. "So you would open the door." I admitted, looking at the bandage that she placed beside me.

"Why didn't you just push it open?" she interrogated me.
"Because that could have hurt you. Better me than you." I softly chuckled as she shook her head. "You're seriously crazy." she scoffed. "I'm seriously so freaking sorry for doing that to your hand." she apologized for the billionth time. "It wasn't your fault. You know it." I grabbed her hand, stopping her from applying some medicine to my hand, making her look up at me.

"Yes it was. I slammed the door." she said in a 'duh' tone.
"And I put my hand there, knowing that you were going to slam the door." I sighed.
"Well you are stupid that way. I should have known better." she uttered.
"Well, how were you supposed to know?" I asked as I hopped off the counter and trapped her between me and the counter, switching our positions. "Either way." she sighed as she sat on the counter and pulled me closer, between her legs so she could wrap my hand properly. "Which fingers?" she asked as she held my hand closer to herself. "Here you go." I said as I held up my ring, middle and index finger. "Great, I basically busted your whole hand." she whispered more to herself. I clicked my tongue in frustration and gave up on convincing her it wasn't her fault...

Or so she thought. "It's not your fault." I said repeatedly until she got annoyed and told me to shut up. "Ryder, why did you go see her that night?" she asked me quietly.
"I went to ask her how to win a girl back. Yes, it hadn't even been 24 hours since we weren't together, but I already wanted you back. She tried to get with me, and then I left her place and went and asked Harper the same thing and I made her promise me that she wouldn't tell you." I gave in and told her the truth. "Nothing else happened, I swear." I sighed.

"I believe you." she sighed.
"I just can't believe you kissed her today." she said as she got off the counter and left

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