Chapter 25

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Chapter 25: (Mia's POV)

"Hey love." Crystal hugs me and greets me as we walked to the table that she was seated at the diner. "Hey Crystal." I greet her back, using her first name since Crystal always tells everyone to call her by her first name since apparently she feels old when someone greets her formally. "Ryder." she gives him an approving nod before sitting down in the booth across me. "Crystal." he gives her the same nod she gave him. I sat down next to Ryder and we ordered some food. I ordered hash browns, Ryder did too while Crystal asked for some pancakes. "So, how's everything been going?" Crystal asks Ryder and I. 

"Well, school's gonna start soon, so we'll have to kiss summer goodbye. Other than that, everything's fine." I smiled as I take a sip from my water. "Why did you break her heart, Ryder?" Crystal asked him coldly, making mine and his eyes snap to hers. "Pardon?" he asked a little stunned and startled, exactly how I was. "Just because I haven't seen her in years doesn't mean I'm not up to date with her life." Crystal arched an eyebrow at Ryder, as I felt him stiffen beside me. "Did dad tell you?" I cut in an asked her. "Your mother did, actually. So I knew there was more to it. He seems like a nice guy so I'm asking him before I jump to conclusions. Why did you do it?" she explained to me and then asked Ryder the same question again.

"I did it for her." Ryder began while looking at me, automatically making me look at him too. "At the time, she was better off without me. I hurt her, and I know it. But I did for her own good. It killed me to break her heart. But I had to. And now I've realized that I was forcing a break up that wasn't meant to happen. Because I couldn't stay away from her so I stopped trying to." he finished before turning to look back at Crystal, making me snap out of it, and turn to face her too. Crystal stayed silent for a minute before she asked him, "You're in love with her, aren't you?" with a small smile playing on her lips. Making her look like she was admiring our relationship. "Maybe." he nodded his head.

"No, you know you are, you just don't want to admit it. Because admitting it, makes her your weakness." Crystal stated.

"It also makes her my strength. I love her and I might be in love with her. And when I know it for sure, I won't waste a second keeping it a secret from her, or anyone else." he said calmly.

"Don't lose this boy. He's a keeper." Crystal said to me while keeping her eyes locked with Ryder, trying to intimidate him into cracking but I don't think he was lying. I think he meant every word of what he said. Or maybe I just hoped. After that conversation ended, the waiter came with our food and we all ate while talking. Mid-conversation, Crystal had to step out to take a phone call, leaving Ryder and I in an awkward silence. "Mia I-" he turned to face me to say something but before he could say anything, I pressed my lips to his. I pulled away after a few seconds. "I love you." I whispered.

"I love you more." he whispered with a smile playing on his lips.

"Sorry kids, I'm gonna have to run. My flight is apparently in 30 minutes." Crystal walked over to us in a rush, leaving money on the counter, she grabbed her bag, quickly kissed my cheek goodbye and hugged Ryder and speed walked out of the diner and grabbed a cab.

"I wish your mom liked me as much as your aunt and dad do." Ryder said as we walked hand in hand to his car. "My aunt and dad like you?" I asked teasingly.

"Please, they love me." he smirked as he started the car, and then the drive to my house. Once we reached, he pulled his driveway. As I tried to open the door so I could step out, I pulled on the door, but it was locked. "You're not gonna unlock the car?" I asked confused as I turned to see him looking at me. "Ryder," I said warningly. "What game are you playing right now?" I narrowed my eyes. "What game? I'm not playing any game." he faked an innocent expression. "Then unlock the car." I said as I repeatedly tried to open the door but it was still very much locked shut. "Why don't you unlock it for yourself?" he asked challengingly.

"I would but the button is on your side of the car. Not mine." I said obviously. I think I knew what he was trying. "Well that's not my problem." he said as he sunk further down in his seat, getting comfortable. "Ryder, come on. Unlock the door." I pleaded getting more and more eager to get out. "Why don't you do it yourself, babe?" he scoffed before he stiffened at realizing that he called me babe. "What did you just call me?" I teased, pushing further. "Did you just call me babe?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What? N-no. Why would I? We're not dating." he scoffed as he stuttered a little trying to lie and get away with it. "Yet." I leaned over and whispered in his ear before turning him to face me and almost kiss him while I sneakily unlocked the car, and jumped out of him, leaving him shocked. "You toy with me too much." he shook his head as he stepped out of the car and walked over to where I was standing in front of the car. "Do you wanna come over?" he asked since neither of us had plans for the day.

 "Aw, you're not gonna call me babe now?" I teased as I skipped over to his front door, and leaned on it, waiting for him to walk over to me. "Do you want me to?" he smirked and flirted as he rested both his arms on either side of my head. "Do you want to?" I inched a little forward, decreasing the distance between our lips. I don't know what has been up with me lately. I've been wanting to kiss him. And I have been kissing him. A lot. "Do you allow me to?" he inched even closer, having his lips brush against mine. "Yes I do." I said, just above a whisper. "Ok then, babe." he said as I heard the door click and then open, making me tumble over and him laugh as he dangled the keys in my face.

"That was rude!" I whined and stomped my foot like a little kid.

"Oh and teasing me in the car and leaving me like that wasn't?" he argued as he placed the keys on the kitchen counter before grabbing a pack of hot cheetos. "Fair enough. For me?" I asked as he walked over with the hot cheetos to where I was now sitting on the couch. "Yes, of course." he bowed jokingly before plopping down on the couch next to me opening the packet, taking one before handing it to me. "Thank you." I smiled like a kid happy after getting candy and ice cream. 

We shared that packet of hot cheetos and then we washed our hands. We were doing nothing but sitting and talking while eating and I was having more fun than I have had while doing some adventurous things. "You make me really happy babe. And sappy but only you can know that." he smiled goofily at me. "Aww." I cooed at him now blushing a little. He shook his head and laughed nervously. "You become a putty mess around me. Don't ya?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows at him knowingly. "Yes I do." he admitted. And just then, the doorbell rang.

Damn it.

Ryder opened it with me behind him and the words he said, shocked me.


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