Chapter 23

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Chapter 23: (Mia's POV)

Ryder had gone to the bathroom and we were about to leave when his phone dinged, suggesting he got a text. I know I shouldn't be snooping around but I just had to. It was from Bella. 'I broke up with him. I will tell her now.' it read. Well what the hell is that supposed to mean? I'm a little annoyed and agitated since he told me he wouldn't be speaking to her or contacting her again and he said she wouldn't ever bother him again either. Did he lie?

"Ready to go?" he asked, snapping me out of my trance. Thank god I put his phone back where it was. "Yeah." I said, a little hurt that he lied and then I began the silent treatment. We drove home in silence. Once we finally reached, I hopped out of his car quickly and began speed walking to my door, not before he grabbed my wrist and pinned me against the passenger side door. When did he get out of the car? "Someone's in a rush." he smirked he leaned in and tried to kiss me, but I turned my head to the right. "Everything ok? Did I do something wrong?" he asked a little worried. "No. I gotta go." I quickly blurted and ran into my house.

I walked into the house, expecting to have the house to myself since my parents had already left for their next trip, but saw my parents sitting at the kitchen table with my aunt there. "What are you guys doing here? I thought you weren't coming back for a few days?" I asked confused as I went and hugged my dad but avoided hugging my mom since we didn't leave our last conversation on a good note. "Well, Crystal decided to drop by and since we finished the surgery and had two days till the next one, we decided to come by and stay for the night." my dad explained. Crystal is my aunt, my dad's sister.

 "And I thought we could go out and grab a bite." my aunt said as she got up and gave me a bone crushing hug. "Come on let's go." she grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door, we decided to go to the pizza place near our house, called the Pizza Palace. We walked in there and sat down, and began catching up and talking. "It's been so long since I last saw you." she laughed as she looked me up and down. "God, you look different." she smiled. "A good kind." she said quickly, making me laugh.

"So when is he joining us?" she asked curious and eagerly. Who is she talking about?

"Who?" I asked, my heart picking up it's pace.

"Your boyfriend." she said as if it were obvious. My who? If this is going where I think it is, I will run out of this restaurant. "My boyfriend was supposed to be here? I don't think he was told?" I said, trying to come up with an excuse as to why my 'boyfriend' wouldn't be here. "Oh but your parents said they were sending him soon?" she prompted in confusion. As if on cue, the door opened and in walked both Jeremy and Ryder, side by side. They both were walking side by side and they both were walking towards the table we were seated at. "Hey babe." they both say in sync and Ryder kisses my right cheek, while Jeremy kisses my left. 

"What do we have here?" my aunt asked, clearly enjoying this way too much. "Which one of these fine young men is your boyfriend?" she asks. She does not know about my past with Ryder, I haven't seen her since I was ten years old. "Meet Ryder and J-Jeremy." I stuttered not knowing what the shit to say.

"Who sent who?" she asked as she sat with her arms folded across her chest.

"Mr Stewart." Ryder said at the same time that Jeremy said, "Mrs Stewart."

"Give me a minute with Jeremy while you two wait outside the restaurant." my aunt said, and Ryder and I, immediately shot up and out of the restaurant. Any chance to get away.

"Ryder, what the hell are you doing here? You shouldn't be here." I groaned as we walked up to his car while I leaned against it. "Oh and Jeremy should? You would rather introduce him as your boyfriend? Plus, your dad sent me." he argued with me, sounding very angry and upset at seeing Jeremy introduce himself as my 'boyfriend'. "Ryder, go home. Please." I pleaded and begged. "I'm not leaving until I see Jeremy leaving too. At least I was your boyfriend. Him and you have no history or connection."

"Yeah well at least he doesn't lie to me." I blurted out and snapped before processing.

"What the hell did I lie to you about now? Why didn't you tell me when I asked you if I did something wrong?"

"Shouldn't you be realizing your own mistakes. Don't even act like you didn't lie Ryder. You swore, that Bella would never contact you, yet somehow she's still texting you?" I interrogated.

"I have not checked my phone this whole day. This whole day that I spent with you." he shot back.

"She's calling Ryder inside." Jeremy spoke up, making us realize he was here and was standing there awkwardly, watching me fuming with anger or well- jealousy and probably thinking I was a serial killer at this point. "It's me. I'm the person Bella broke up with." he said as he leaned next to me on Ryder's car. Hold up. "What?!" I yelled. "You and Bella were together? And no one knew?" I asked confused, intrigued and absolutely shocked and fucking stunned. 

"Yup. No one but Ryder. She was cheating on me with him even though he didn't want to be involved with her. She threatened to tell you all about him being and the gang and so he had to stay. When she called him that night, and he went to see her, he told her never to talk to him ever again or else he would tell me that she's been cheating on me. Turns out, she told me herself." he said as his eyes began to gloss while he looked up at the night sky. "Jeremy, I'm so sorry. My mom shouldn't have sent you here, please go home." I said. After a long pause, he nodded and then walked to his car and sped off.

With that, I charged back into the restaurant, walked straight up to Ryder and stood right in front of him. He soon mirrored my actions and stood up, towering over me and I immediately smacked him in the face, slapping him right across it. "Crystal, meet my boyfriend. Ryder Parker." I breathed before I grabbed his hand and we both sat down across my aunt. "I figured he was the one. Seemed more your type." she smiled while she recovered from the fact that I had just slapped him. 

"Maybe we should have dinner some other time. My treat for you two. I have to speak to your mother, Mia. I suggest you stay the night at his." she smiled before she left some cash on the table, and walked out of the restaurant. "Why did you just slap me?" Ryder asked as he walked over and sat in the seat that my aunt was a few seconds ago. "Why didn't you tell me Jeremy and Bella were together? That she was forcing you to be with her? That she knew? Why didn't you tell me that I played your weakness in that mess?" I groaned in frustration, catching strange looks from a few people.

"She would have told you. I didn't want you finding out from her. So I told you before she could. Jeremy works with me. That's how Bella found out. I'm sorry." he spoke quietly.

"Make it up to me. One chance, that's all you get." I huffed before folding my arms and sitting still even though I knew. I'd give him a chance every time he asked. 

Another picture that has nothing to do with the chapter. hehe :) 

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