Chapter 39

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Chapter 39: (Ryder's POV)

"Oops." I giggled as the bottle slipped from my hand. Wait. why the fuck did I giggle?! The shit? "Shit. Um- Uh, Ryder do you uh- do you mind getting down?" I heard as I saw Mia appear in her window and stick her head out. "Oh, hi baby-" I started but cut myself off with a gasp when my foot slipped. "Ryder!" Mia shouted as she leaned over her window. "Oops." I giggled again. What the shit dude? Why do I keep giggling. "Ryder can you please get down?" she asked pleadingly. "Sure." I nodded while smiling. I took a step forward, god knows thinking what before she gasped and yelled again. "Ryder no!" she screamed, making me put my foot back down. "What do you think you're gonna step on? Thin air?" she asked as she took her shoes off and got onto the branch before climbing onto my window, as she grabbed on the edges for support. "Baby, you'll fall! Let me help!" I yelled, reaching my hand down only for her to smack it away.

"And if you reach your hand out to me, so will you. I'll get up there myself. Not like I haven't done it before." she shot me a stern look before grabbing onto the edge of the roof and pulling herself up. "That's my strong girlfriend!" I grinned at her proudly, only to see her frowning. She looked down at her feet before looking up and saying, "No I'm not." she shook her head sadly.

"What did I do?" I asked getting sad myself and feeling guilty about I don't even know what. Yes, I'm that drunk.

"Nothing babe- I mean. Nothing. I messed up this time." she admitted while putting up a sad smile. "Ok, that is just not possible. You'd never do something if you knew it could end us." I said trying to speak properly but slurring my words. "Ryder, let's go inside ok? How much did you have to drink?" she asked me. "Was there anything left in the bottle of vodka before it slipped?" she questioned while looking into my eyes and I just couldn't lie while I looked into hers. "No." I shook my head, looking down at my feet guiltily. "That's ok. Do you wanna head inside?" she offered, extending her hand out which I hesitantly grabbed and nodded.

 "You're gonna go in carefully first, ok?" she asked, to which I once again nodded. I carefully stepped down and hung onto the edge of my window. I was about to head in when my left hand slipped, making Mia gasp. "I'm o-ok." I stuttered before hanging back on and stepping into my room, falling face first on the floor. Mia was now hanging on and as she was about to step in, when the wind began picking up, soon changing into a storm, making it very hard for the window to stay open, it swung closed, almost crushing her hand before I pushed it open and quickly wrapped my arms around her waist, and pulled her in. Let's blame it on the vodka here but I fell straight back, causing me to land on the floor with Mia on top of me with a thud.

"Can I kiss you? I really want to." I whispered, my eyes going down to her lips and hers going to mine before we both met each other's eyes. "You can't." she whispered back as her thumb traced my bottom lip. "Why?" I asked as I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers.

"You just can't. I'm sorry. I-I have to go." she whispered before trying to push herself off of me but I wrapped my arms around her waist even tighter this time. "Not until you kiss me." I pouted, god I am such a clingy drunk when it comes to being with Mia but around everyone else, I get really mean when I'm drunk. "Ryder, I can't kiss you. We're not together anymore." she argued while clicking her tongue in frustration. "Yes we are. We're together forever ok? Remember that." I argued like the little kid I am when I get drunk and also when I don't get drunk.

"Just not for now. And we'll get back together soon. I promise." she began running her hand through my hair. "Ryder-" she said, making me snap my eyes open. "Please get on your bed, because if you knock out then there is no way I'll be able to pick you up." she laughed lightly. I sighed before letting her get off of me and then plopping down on my bed. "Can you please stay until I knock out?" I grabbed her hand before she could leave.

"I'm not even supposed to be here." she shook her head a little, making me frown. Before I could even whine, complain or pout, she nodded softly. "Just till you knock out." she gave me a look, which I ignored and smiled at the fact that she's staying.

She sat down next to me in bed and began pulling her hair together to put in up in a bun but I grabbed her wrist, stopping her. "Hold my hand please." I mumbled into the pillow. "Also, your hair looks really pretty today, can you leave it down?" I asked as I opened my eyes to see her reaction, and saw her hiding a smile. She cleared her throat before softly placing her hand in mine which I put on my head, she knew what to do so she started running her hand through my hair again. I'm not the only one who likes his girlfriend doing that to him? Right? Well, even though she's currently not my girlfriend, to me she is. And soon enough, I knocked out.

x-X-x 5 hours later.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I threw my arms around for it, and finally grabbed it off my nightstand. "Hello?" I asked, still half asleep on the phone.

"I'm coming over in 5 get your ass up. Mia called me and told me that you knocked out cause you were tired. She also told me that you broke up with her. Look bro, I know I'm your best friend but I'm gonna beat your ass up." he said and then hung up before I could even say anything. I groaned as I got myself out of bed and freshened up. I grabbed some gum after brushing my teeth again and popped it in my mouth just as the doorbell rang. "Perfect timing." I breathed as I opened the door. I took a step back, waiting for Ethan to let himself in but he never did, instead he took a step forward and punched me square in the jaw. "You bitch! What the shit was that for?" I asked as I rubbed my jaw trying to relieve the pain and stress now in that area. "You really fucked up brother. You broke her heart again." he shook his head as he walked in and sat on the couch.

"I fucking know. It's just for a little bit and it had to be done because we don't trust the same people and even though she can learn to trust Charles, I don't think I can learn to trust Jeremy." I sighed as I explained to him while plopping down on the couch next to him. "She wasn't even telling me at first bro. Something just sounded off about her voice and then she started bawling and I had absolutely no idea what the fuck to say so I just blurted out some shit and then she calmed down. She said you were really tired so you fell asleep later on but tell me honestly buddy, you knocked out from being drunk didn't you? Ryder, you did the same thing last time you guys broke up and then too, you broke up with her. Stop trying to drink your pain away bro. Why do you do that shit?" he asked me his face showing clear confusion.

"Because it makes me forget and it numbs me to the pain." I stated.

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