Chapter 52

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Chapter 52: (Mia's POV)

I was sitting at the edge of my window, my legs dangling in the air while Ryder, did the same, sitting in front of me since we were talking in the hour that I had until Jeremy showed up.

"He's really stupid if he hasn't asked her out yet." Ryder scoffed.

"He hasn't asked her out yet cause if he would've, I would've gotten a call from a panicking Grace." I let out a laugh as he dangled his feet and almost fell back and into his room. "That's what happens when you lean back." I laughed as he let out a sigh of relief.

"What happens when I lean forward?" he smirked.

"You really don't wanna find out." I shook my head before tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "You sure?" he grinned. Why would he wanna find out? It would lead to a face plant into the ground. Ouch. "Pretty sure." I nodded confidently before he did what I was not expecting him to do. He leaned forward and lost his balance expectedly but grabbed onto the branch between our windows and hung from it, before reaching forward to the point where he was hanging onto a branch with his face a few centimeters away from mine. "So this is what happens when I lean forward huh?" he smirked still hanging on.

"Apparently." I shrugged before going back into my room so he could come in. He let go of the branch and was coming in when my doorbell rang. "Great fucking timing isn't it?" he said as he swung back and into his own room. "Somehow." I breathed out a sigh before going and opening the door, revealing Jeremy.

"Oh, you're here early." I laughed awkwardly and nervously. "What happened? You weren't supposed to be here for another 30 minutes or so?" I questioned while I walked into my room where he followed me up. "Well um- I'm actually going out with my parents for a few days so I was packing but then midway my mom told me to see you before I finished packing. She really likes you." he smiled as I sat on my bed while he sat in the chair at my desk, looking at the photos I had hung up. "You mom really likes me?" I asked confused because she literally does not know anything about me apart from what my mom told her which I don't think were completely true things so I don't really believe him or his mom when they say that. "Supposedly." he shrugged as he turned in the chair to face me. 

"Has she said that for Bella before?" I asked cautiously since it's never really a good idea to bring up someone's ex but then again people did that all the time to me even though they knew it wasn't a good idea, so I'm just gonna do it too. "Yeah. She's kind of said that at the beginning of my relationship with every girl." he said it casually. Every girl? Damn, how many girls had he been with? I never really took him for the player type. My phone dinged from my bedside and when I grabbed it, I read the text from Ryder.

It read, 'Ask him some questions about Shane.' Well what the hell am I supposed to ask about Shane? What connection does he have with Shane that I am supposed to know about. "So um- have you spoken to Charles lately?" I asked hesitantly as I scratched the back of my neck.

"Not really, not recently. Why?" he asked not really suspicious.

"I was actually wondering when he'll be able to confirm that Ryder's out. Don't you think when Ryder's completely out, it'll get easier to see him around so he'll get jealous faster?" I questioned falsely. "I guess." he shrugged as he pulled one photo off the hanging string with photos on it and assessed it. "What about Bella? Where has she been lately? We should go somewhere where we have a chance of running into her." I shrugged casually, as if I was so not lying in that conversation. "I'll ask around for her." he said as he hung the picture back up.

"Do you know anything about Shane? Like has he finally agreed to pay the money?" I asked.

"You're really worried about Ryder aren't you?" he asked as he got up and stood at the foot of my bed. Well if I say I was worried that wouldn't be a lie because I am. "Yeah, I mean how can't I be? I love him and it terrifies me that he's involved with people like Charles because of people like Shane." I nodded before I checked my phone to see a text from Ryder. I decided to turn my phone on silent so Jeremy doesn't get suspicious. It was another text which read, 'Oh you worry about me? ;)' this boy is gonna get me caught.

I knew I shouldn't have left the window open and let Ryder eavesdrop and should've just recorded the audio of the conversation on my phone but Ryder said I should just let him listen so he can tell me prompts to get information out of Jeremy. Ugh, I feel like a spy and I don't like it. I thought being a spy would feel cooler than this but I guess it's just pressure and self consciousness of doing something that can get you caught and knowing that if I get caught, I screw up things for someone else, especially Ryder, just makes it worse. I shook my head and snapped out of my thoughts before looking up to Jeremy in time to hear his question. "You really love him don't you? You literally speak with love in your eyes for him. Bella never had that for me." he frowned and looked down at his feet.

"I'm sure she did and you never noticed it. I mean, take a look at Ryder." I scoffed. "He's like blind to my love for him." I replied. I didn't know how true that sentence was and so I'm hoping Ryder doesn't decide to question me about it later.

"He really is. He's really stupid to let a girl like you go. I know you refuse to leave and all but still. He shouldn't have broken up with you, ever. I wouldn't have." he said with a small smile, making me cringe at his words before my phone vibrated and the text from Ryder said, 'Get him out.' oh so we struck the jealousy nerve without even trying? Great. I can't kick him out so I decided to ignore that text. "I um- I should go, I have to get back to packing. I have a flight in a couple hours. See you in a couple of days then?" he asked as he started walking towards my bedroom door. "Um yeah, sure." I smiled before leading him out the house. I closed the front door after he left and turned around to see my dad standing there, with his arms folded across his chest.

"Nothing serious between you two is it? Or real for that matter?" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"No dad, nothing serious. Or real." I laughed and kissed his cheek before jogging back up the stairs and into my room. I walked into my room and my eyes immediately landed on the not so happy Ryder, sitting at the edge of my bed. I closed my door before leaning my back against in and folding my arms across my chest while I smiled in victory because I got what I wanted, I struck a nerve.

"So I'm blind to your love then?" he arched an eyebrow at me as he walked towards me and placed his hands on either side of my head, trapping my between him and the door.

"I don't know are you?" I questioned challengingly. Before answering, he grabbed my waist and pulled me flushed against his body and kissed me. He pulled away and teasingly asked, "Am I?"






Thank you guys for 700+ reads, it really means a lot to me and thank you to everyone who decided to add my book to their reading list. <333 Love ya'll.

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