Chapter 40

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Chapter 40: (Mia's POV)

It was currently 10pm and I was taking a shower. I take night showers, I'm one of those people, sorry, but I just don't understand the point of morning showers cause you take a shower, then you get out of your house in the dirty and polluted air with heat and humidity and then you come back and sleep dirty like that, not to mention, you spread all that nastiness onto your bed so... Anyway, I finished taking a shower and put my pajamas on and got into my room. I was finally done sorting out three out of the five shelves I have in the huge bookshelf so I put those away in a cardboard box and then went to shower. I think I'm gonna go ask if the local town library wants any of the copies, they could use some because the library here is like I don't know, dead. I was worried about Ryder still, just a little less than earlier since Ethan told me he'd go and stay with him for the night, just to keep an eye on him for me. 

So, you know how when you have a group of friends, there's always that one person you're closer to than the others? In my girlfriends, that'd be Grace. I've known her longer, she's been there for me more often and to be honest, she doesn't let her relationship with Ethan get in the way, whereas Harper has cancelled on us girls many times to hang out with Daniel and we didn't care at first cause they were a new couple but then it became a habit so, we've grown sort of apart. In my guy friends, Ryder aside of course cause he's more than that, I'm closer to Ethan for the same reasons as Grace also because he helps me more when it comes to Ryder whereas Daniel kind of just likes to light a fire and watch it burn everything.

Now, don't get me wrong, he's a great friend but for example, the group date at the park, there was no reason for him to invite Jeremy, but he did anyway, just to watch Ryder get fueled up for his own amusement. Kind of messed up but it's not my place so I'll shut up. Also, I know that Harper and Daniel are currently on vacation together for the remaining holidays, basically a month but who the heck is paying for that? They sure as hell don't have that kind of money in their pockets. None of us in our group are rich rich. We're all rich enough. I should seriously stop wasting my time by thinking about them. I was just lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling with my eyes closed, when my phone dinged. It was a text from Ethan. 

'Ryder is being a pain in the ass and is begging to see you. Don't tell him I told you. Sorry, but we're coming over.' are you kidding me? The one thing I wished was for them not to come over whatsoever. Just as I groaned, the doorbell rang. "Great timing." I muttered under my breath as I opened the door and let them in. "Control your man." Ethan groaned as he walked in and crashed on the couch. He closed his eyes as he realized what he said. "Sorry. Sorry. Too soon." he mumbled the last part but I heard him. Ryder was still standing at my door. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked as I glanced at the night sky to see it pitch black while drizzling. Great, a storm was coming and just so you don't know. I'm afraid of thunder. Normally, it doesn't bother me but it always just kind of makes my heart beat quicken and my hands get clammy and I get anxious and- ok I'm afraid of it.

Ethan glanced over to a little table we had by the front door which for some reason had a bible on it. Which was never there. I don't even think we own a bible except for the one in my drawer which I found in one of my grandma's old boxes. "Why do you a bible by the door?" he asked very confused. Same Ethan. Same. "I don't know. Maybe to attack the devil when he walks through the door." I shrugged, being a little bitter towards Ryder. Oh shoot. Not now, not today. I'm going through my bitter phase of a breakup. Last time, that happened after a few days, not the day. "Ryder, what are you doing here?" I huffed as I folded my arms and looked at him with an arched eyebrow at a pointed look. 

"I came here because-" he was saying but couldn't finish since suddenly, a bolt of lightening cut him off, making me gasp and grab onto his arm. Once I realized I did that subconsciously, I pulled away. "Aren't you not allowed to see me?" I asked confused after clearing my throat. "His men are gone for the day." Ethan spoke. "So you brought me here because?" Ethan asked, directed at Ryder, bringing my attention back to him, as he still stand outside. "You can come inside, you know." I said as I stepped back while he stepped forward, coming inside. "So why are you here?" I asked. He took a breath before explaining or well, trying. "I just uh- I wanted to come and- you know uh- ch-check up on you since you're afraid of- you know." he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Ah, ah, ah. That's not it." Ethan wagged his finger. "That is the second reason, the first one is-" he was saying but Ryder interrupted. "Don't." he warned.

"What?" I asked extremely confused.

"He wanted to see if Jeremy was here. He saw you guys hanging out earlier today." Ethan huffed. "You can't do me dirty like that." Ryder groaned.

"Well, I did do dirty you like that." Ethan smirked triumphantly.

"You motherfucking bitch. You're an asshole you know that?" Ryder sassed. Something's not right, he never swears that much and he never saying motherfucking. "That was mean." Ethan breathed carelessly. "Shut the fuck up." Ryder groaned as he sat on a bar stool in the kitchen. "Ryder, why are you being so mean?" I asked confused before a light bulb lit up in my head and my eyes snapped to Ethan's while his snapped to mine. "Oh shit." we said simultaneously.

"Did you drink? Bro, when did you drink? I told you not to drink anymore!" Ethan ran up to us in the kitchen. "Oh my god, I'm gonna get out of here so he becomes nice." Ethan began walking to the front door but I pulled him back from his arm. "Hell no. I already got stuck with clingy Ryder earlier today, I'm not exactly looking forward to spending time with him after he just broke up with me you know." I glared, making him huff and go back to the couch.

"Well then, get him sober." Ethan said casually. "Do what you did at that party one time." he smirked. "If it doesn't work then he's only going to get more mad you know." I cracked my knuckles. "Well it's worth a shot. Plus if it doesn't work then I'll run away." he shrugged as he came and stood beside me, a few feet away. "Well then, here goes nothing." I breathed before I looked straight into Ryder's eyes. "Sorry." I said quickly making him form a confused expression before I smacked him hard in the face, slapping right across it. "Did you just slap me?" he asked confused and a little angry. "Why does my head and brain hurt? Oh god, did I get drunk again? Why are we at Mia's house?" he asked Ethan the last one. "I should go." he got up to leave, brushing past me. I opened the door for them and Ethan walked out first and as Ryder was leaving, it thundered again, loud as fuck, making me scream and grab his hand. "Please don't!" I pleaded. "Can both of you stay? Anyone up for movie night?" I asked before Ryder sighed and walked right back in after giving my hand a reassuring squeeze with Ethan followed.

At least I know he still cares. Maybe it's not really over. 

"Can I join?" Jeremy showed up. I swear to god this guy likes to show up out of nowhere.


Ok, so I don't know if it's actually possible to turn someone sober just by slapping them across the face really hard but I think it does cause I read somewhere that coffee, water, fresh air, throwing up the alcohol along with getting slapped turns you sober quickly. 

Don't ask where I read that. Just don't. But it's true. It does. And that is fact- checked. So if you're drunk, get someone to slap you. ;)

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