Chapter 43

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Chapter 43: (Mia's POV)

Oh my god. Why did I just do that? Why did I just hug him like that? That's only gonna make it less believable when I go out with Jeremy. Or so it's supposed to seem. I have to make him believe that he lost me, right? "I'm sorry Ryder. But we're not together anymore and that was your decision, not mine." I stated. As much as you can hate me for deciding to pretend to go out with Jeremy, there's no denying that this was partly Ryder's fault, just as much as it was mine because I fought to keep him but how was I supposed to get through to him when he didn't even want me anymore? "And I have more reason to be mad at you. You just turned the shower on, on me top to bottom." I playfully glared at him as I looked up at him with a pout. Which made him smile. Don't smile, Mia. Don't smile.

 "What are you really doing here, Ry?" I asked, using the nickname I used a long ass time ago, before we started dating and when we were just friends but I knew he liked it and this was probably the time to start using it again. Oh boy, is he gonna come back to me. "Say that again." he stiffened as he grabbed my waist roughly but I pretended to be confused and clueless. "Say what again?" I questioned with my eyebrows furrowed. "Don't play dumb." he said daringly. Well then that's exactly what I'll do Ryder. Exactly that. "Ryder, I don't know what you're talking about." I shrugged as I tried to push his hand off my waist but he held them in place. 

"Say it again, Mia!" he demanded. "Say it." he ordered.

"What are you really doing here, Ry?" I asked shrugging it off and playing it casual and cool. 

"Say it like you mean it and you really want an answer to that question. That is if you really do want the answer." he smirked and spoke cockily. You're smart Ryder. But I'm smarter. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in, standing on my toes until my lips were next to his ear.

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here. Ry?" I whispered, making him get goosebumps. It's good to know I still have an effect on him. "Don't." he warned as his grip tightened on my waist while I put my hands back down, by my side. "Are you gonna answer the question anytime soon?" I asked as I shoved him back and threw my shirt over my head, putting it on. "Didn't I already say that I came over when I heard you yell 'fuck me!'?" he raised his eyebrow teasingly.

"Very funny. Why are you being your old bad-boy, fuck-boy self right now?" I asked suspiciously.

"You're gonna act like you don't get amused and like it when I be like this?" he asked in a flat tone. What game are you playing Ryder Parker? "You do know that seducing your way into a relationship with me isn't gonna work right?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

"No, it won't. But it does make me a step closer to that." he smirked cockily again. I haven't seen this side of Ryder in ages. This fuck-boy 13 year old boy trying to get me to go out with him. I've missed him. "Have you now?" he raised his eyebrows teasingly. What?

"Huh? Have I what?" I asked confused. Utterly confused.

"Missed this side of me?" he leaned in tauntingly. Oh my god! Did I really say that out loud?! Way to go Mia. "I just wanted you to think that I did. Make this side of you a little happy. So you're welcome." I covered up before sliding out of the position he had me in, trapped between the counter and him, as I made my way to my bed and sat against the headboard.

"Sure you did." he said, clearly not believing a word I had said. He's not to blame. He can usually catch me when I lie.

Ryder followed and sat down beside me. "Nuh-uh. You don't get to sit on my bed." I shook my head. "Oh but Jeremy does?" he scoffed at me. Jeremy doesn't either, Ry. You've been up here more than he ever has. "Currently, yes he does." I shrugged carelessly. No he doesn't.

"Well where am I supposed to sleep?" he asked, not believing that I really wasn't gonna let him in bed. "If you really wanna stay the night then feel free to crash on the couch in the living room." I raised an eyebrow, proud of myself for giving him a hard time for once and not taking him back the second he came running. "Nobody can sleep on that couch. Unless they're looking for a damaged back." he gave a pointed look before he sat down on the chair at my desk.

"I take offence on behalf of my couch." I placed my hand on my chest, dramatically.

"Well, you won't have to if you let me sleep in bed. Plus, I'm sure you'll enjoy it more than I will." he smirked. "Ha, you wish Ry. I'm not the one showing up at your door, asking to stay the night am I? Oh wait, that's you." I teased. Suddenly, he got off the chair and crawled on the bed, until he was sitting right in front of me. He then proceeded to place his arms on either side of my head, and leaning in until our foreheads touched along with our noses almost touching.

"What game are you playing? Calling me Ry? Hanging out with Jeremy? Getting cocky?" he interrogated. "I don't play games. I just win them." I tilted my head back, placing my lips closer to his, making it as hard as I could for him to keep away from me. "You gotta play the game to win the game, babe." he smirked as his lips brushed against mine.

"I said I don't play games. Never did I say I currently am not." I smirked as I won the discussion. That shut him up for a while. "Got nothing to say?" I arched a brow at him, pulling him closer by his t-shirt. "I haven't seen this side of you in ages." he smirked.

"What side?" I asked confused but masking my confusion for interest and curiosity.

"This teasing and taunting side. Have I told you how hot I find it?" he raised an eyebrow at me. With that, I pushed him off to the right, making him fall onto the floor, on his ass. He then just lied down on the floor. "That wasn't very nice sweetheart." he smirked. Oh, how I wish to wipe that smirk off his face. "Was it not?" I asked in a sickly sweet voice as I got down and straddled him, hovering my lips over his. "Then let me tell you, Ry. You broke up with me. I might still want to be with you, but that does not mean I'm not gonna make this easy for you. Got it?" I raised an eyebrow, speaking with a bit more of frustration and anger as I flipped my hair to the left.

"No, I don't think I get it." he smirked as he watched me getting riled up over nothing, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Listen here buddy, you still wanna be with me and I want to be with you. I fought till the end, till I didn't have it in me anymore to argue, till I was drained. So listen here, and listen close. If you want me back, you're gonna have to win me back. Clear?" my lips brushed against his as I subconsciously leaned in closer. God why do I do that?

Before I could say anything else, he spoke up, "Crystal clear." he said before he bit my bottom lip, making me jerk away quickly. "Why the rush?" he asked as he grabbed my shirt, pulling me closer to him, while holding my waist in place.

"Because it's way past your bedtime." I smirked before I grabbed the collar of his shirt, inching him to lift his head up a little.

"Go to sleep, Ry." I smirked before getting off, not missing the groan he let out of anger.

Oh I love being a tease.

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