Chapter 35

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Chapter 35: (Mia's POV)

Ryder and me were only supposed to be seeing each other at night so we decided to stay up all night. Was this a good idea? Probably not. Will we still go forward with it? Hell yeah. Will we regret it tomorrow morning? Definitely. But do we care? Absolutely not.

I was in my bathroom, washing my face and brushing my teeth for the night when I faintly heard Ryder humming. A tune, that was way too familiar. Bum. da dum. Da dum dum dum. Please correct me if I'm wrong here but, is my boyfriend humming 'What Makes You Beautiful' by One freaking Direction? Speaking of, it's a tragedy they broke up. I was obsessed with them and still am. "You can sing it out loud you know." I said once I rinsed my mouth out, earning a playful glare from him and laugh from me. "Sing with me then." he said as he shrugged his shoulders and pulled me down on the bed next to him as I stood on my side of it. "Why are you trying to go deaf?" I asked with confusion clearly written on my face. I sound like a dying seal when I sing. Not that I know what a dying seal sounds like. "Please, you sound like an angel." he said, making me snort. "You're really funny, you know." I laughed.

"You're my girlfriend so everything you do is amazing to me." he grinned, showing me his baby smile. That's right. He has a baby smile. That adorable smile that makes you melt and give in to anything he says. "No, I don't think so." I said as I hopped off my bed and got up and went to my desk to grab a book, when I heard my phone ding from my nightstand. "Who is texting me at this hour?" I asked more to myself than Ryder.

 "Can I check it?" he asked me, making me feel a little guilty for checking his without permission the one time that I did.

"Yeah, of course." I shrugged before putting back the book that I pulled out after reading the blurb, it sounded too boring. "Why the hell is Jeremy texting you right now?" he asked, spitting his name out. "I don't know. I just asked myself who's texting me at this hour. What does it say?" I asked confused as I continued to grab, read and place back another book or two. He cleared his throat before speaking, "He's asking if he can meet you tomorrow. Apparently, it's important." he began, "Will you tell him no or can I do it myself?" he finished by questioning.

"What if it really is something important Ryder?" I asked as I crawled into bed next to him. "He works for Charles doesn't he? What if it's something related to you?" I questioned.

"Charles wouldn't tell him, Mia. Charles knows how much of a passion I hate him with." he spoke. "Well then, you can tell him no." I said after thinking for a minute because I knew if it was something really important then Jeremy would show up at my house if he had to, to tell me. I heard Ryder clicking away and I precisely hear three clicks so I'm assuming the text read, 'No.' it can't be more than that. I was lying down next to him, looking up at my ceiling when he turned my phone off and leaned over to me to place it on my nightstand, taking his time and using our position, of him hovering over me to his advantage, to kiss me.

"I don't want you to see him." he said, after pulling away and breaking the kiss much to my dismay. I took a minute to think. Well if he does show up at my door then it's not really me seeing him and more of him seeing me. Right? Yeah. "Ok." I nodded before he smiled his smile and pecked my lips. "We need to find something to do if we're gonna stay up the whole night." he breathed as he lied down next to me. "Well, just so you know, we're not gonna make it the whole night, we're gonna knock out and there's only one thing I can think of right now and you're so not gonna like it." I laughed to myself as an idea popped into my head.

"What is it?" he said while he smiled at me as I laughed my ass off like a lunatic.

"Let's put makeup on you." I said once I stopped laughing only to break out into a laughing fir once I saw his face. He looked at me in utter shock and horror. "No way in hell, am I putting makeup on." he shook his head profusely.

"Pleeeeease?" I whined out, stretching the word out like a kid.

"No way." he said, a little more hesitant this time, cracking at my puppy face and whining.

"Pretty please? I'll be the happiest girlfriend in the world." I said while I lied on top of him, resting my chin on his chest. "Mm-mm." he shook his head no, disagreeing.

"Please." I said as I kissed his cheek. "Let." I kiss his cheek again. "Me." and again. "Do." and again. "Your." once again. "Makeup." one last time before looking up at his eyes.

"You can't kiss me like that and then expect me to say no." he complained.

"Well, duh. That's why I did it. Is that a yes?!" I asked with excitement before he nodded making me shoot up and pull him into my bathroom with me.

"I'm starting off with moisturizer and then I'll do everything else, also, how the hell is your skin so good? You don't even put moisturizer on. Oh wait, nevermind, I forced you to get into the habit." I questioned him but answered my own question, making him chuckle at me. "Don't laugh." I playfully slapped his face, only making him laugh again. "I said don't laugh." I did it again, making him laugh harder. "Stop laughing." I said, preventing myself from cracking up but let's face it, I couldn't hold back from at least smiling at his adorable smile, laugh and dimples.

Yes, the boy has dimples too. He has it all. "What are you smiling at?" he said once he stopped laughing and asked as he sat up on the counter while I stood between his legs. "Your face." I said bluntly. "At its beauty?" he said in a high pitched and squeaky voice, making me burst out laughing. "Yes, at its beauty." I laughed while nodding my head.

I put the moisturizer down and was about to start putting the makeup on when he grabs my wrist and pushed it away from his face, while pulling his head back. "Uh, no, nevermind. I changed my mind I don't wanna get my makeup done." he violently shook his head no.

"Please?! You'll look pweety." I said, talking like a baby.

He looked exaggeratedly offended and placed his hand over his heart. "Are you saying I don't look pweety?" he shed a fake tear.

"No baby, you do." I laughed as I put the makeup down and kissed his cheek, squishing his face up as always.

"Fuck this. How about we don't do my makeup and just make out?" he asked blatantly.

"The whole night?" I chuckled.

"The whole night." he nodded his head before pressing his lips to mine as we got in bed.

And then that's exactly what we did, just not the whole night. About an hour before we fell asleep. Great.

Can't wait to go by a whole freaking day without him tomorrow.

Can we just take a moment to appreciate the adorable couple in the picture I put above. Idk who they are I just found it when I was looking for pics to put up with my chapters. ALSO

The next chapter is about to make your heart HURT.

But please don't kill me.

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