Chapter 41

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Chapter 41: (Mia's POV)

"Jeremy, what are you doing here?" I asked confused as Ryder let go of my hand and stood beside me while Ethan crashed on the couch. "I thought we could hang out today instead of tomorrow. I'm sorry I didn't know anyone would be here." he said as he gave me a pointed look and motioned towards Ryder smoothly with his eyes. "So can I join?" he asked with hopeful eyes. Well obviously they weren't real and he was faking it. Oh my god, I really don't want to let him in. "Sure." I said, and then saw Ryder's face snap to the right and turn to look at me. He turned so fast I swear I heard a crack. "Oh really? Thanks." he said as he walked in and greeted me with a hug, and Ryder visibly stiffened. "How about you go into the living room and I'll be right back, I just got to grab some snacks from the kitchen." I said before I went to the kitchen and was grabbing some chips and candy when Ryder came in. 

"He's gonna stay for the night?" he asked as I turned around and saw him standing right behind me, which made my breath get caught in my throat. "No? Yes? Maybe? I don't know. I didn't know he was gonna be joining." I breathed and sighed as I shoved a packet of hot cheetos on his chest, which he caught. He gave me a confused look. "I know they're your favorite so I keep some just in case." I mumbled before walking out into the living room and sitting down in the center couch. Soon, Jeremy came and sat on my right, followed by Ryder who sat on my left.

Well, this is gonna be an awkward movie night.

Ryder sat down and placed something on my lap, making me look down from the tv screen where E.T was playing. Who the hell picked this movie? I'm not prepared to cry by the end of this movie. The last scene of that movie is sad ok? Who thought seeing a kid say goodbye to an alien could make me cry? It was a bag of gummy bears. I gave him a confused look instead of saying anything. "I know they're your favorite so I keep some just in case." he smirked, before opening the packet and taking a few. "Hey, do you want some ice cream? I brought some." Jeremy offered politely. Well, if I'm being honest, I am not in the mood for ice cream. "She's not in the mood for ice cream." Ryder answered for me.

"And how would you know?" Jeremy narrowed his eyes down at Ryder.

"I'm in love with the girl, dude. Of course I'd know." he shrugged as he turned his attention back to the screen, while I sat there frozen, staring at the screen. "Well then I guess it's too bad you guys broke up. What a tragedy huh?" Jeremy scoffed. Ok, hold up. Since when did he become such a jerk? I looked at Ethan to see him staring at Jeremy in shock just like I was not too long ago and then looked at Ryder to see him, fuming. "You know what's even more tragic? The way that your face is gonna look after I punch you." Ryder spat at him bitterly. And honestly, right now, I don't blame him but let's forget that I'll always be a little biased towards Ryder.

Something's not right. I know they hate each other but they're acting even more bitter and mean to each other than they usually do. "Mia, can I speak to you?" Jeremy got up angrily. If he were a cartoon, he's be red and have steam coming out of his ears. I got up but Ryder grabbed my hand and pulled me down, getting up himself, standing face to nose with Jeremy since Jeremy was a little shorter. "She's not going anywhere." he said challengingly, daring Jeremy to make me. 

"I think she can decide for herself." Jeremy spat as they both turned to me.

"Wh- don't look at me. This is between you two." I shrugged as I took out a gummy bear and ate it. I think I'm gonna let the boys talk it out for a little bit. "You're such a fucking bastard." Jeremy scowled at Ryder, making Ryder clench his jaw and his hands into fists. Or maybe not let the boys talk at all. "Or maybe not." I said as I got up and stood in between them, facing Ryder, putting my back towards Jeremy. If I was gonna pretend to go out with Jeremy, I'm gonna have to pretend to defend him. "What is your problem? Why don't you want me to talk to him?" I questioned. "Are you serious, Mia? Do I really have to say?" he scoffed, still glaring at Jeremy. "Yes Ryder, I think you do because you've never come right out and said it to me and I'm not just gonna do as you say unless I know the reason." I huffed as I folded my arms across my chest.

"I can't tell you the reason with him here. He needs to leave." Ryder demanded.

"He's not going anywhere." I stood and said firmly.

"God damnit Mia, why do you never take my side in any argument I'm in with anyone?" Ryder huffed. "Because you don't need me to stand at your side. You can handle arguments yourself."

"That doesn't mean that you need to take the side of the other person." he scoffed.

"Ryder, when have I not taken your side? I have always been on your side. I am always on your side." I sighed and shook my head before heading up to my room, not letting him say anything. I closed my door, lied down on my bed and tried to doze off as soon as I could because at this point, sleep was a getaway from all the drama that's been going on. I was trying to sleep when a knock made its way to my door. "Come in." I breathed as I sat up in bed, with my back against the headboard. "Hey." Jeremy came in and sat down next to me in bed. I thought it would be Ryder. Guess not. Just as that thought crossed my mind, my door slowly opened, and revealed Ryder. "I just came to say I'm sorry and uh- I'll be out now since you don't need me here anymore." he said as he walked in and stood at the foot of my bed.

"Thank you, for staying because you knew that I was..." I trailed off, knowing he knew what I was talking about. The thunder, just in case you didn't get it.

Was that really why he came and stayed though?

"Don't mention it. Please call me if anything happens. Just because we're not together for now doesn't mean you're not my priority. I still care about you Mia. I still love you." he shrugged before putting up a sad smile and leading himself out. He locked the front door on his way out, I know he did. "See. See what I'm talking about? How the fuck am I not supposed to hurt after someone who says shit like that leaves me?" I asked as I rested my head in my hands. "Jeremy, am I doing the right thing? By pretending to go out with you?" I asked as I leaned my head on his shoulder.

 He hesitated for a moment before letting out a sigh, "I don't know, Mia. I don't know." he rested his head on mine. He needs to leave. If he doesn't know then who the fuck will? "Do you think you're doing the right thing for you and Bella?" I asked, moving away from him a little. 

"Yeah, I do." he breathed. Then I have to be doing the right thing too right? I know we're different people in two different types of relationships but, we're in the same situation so... This has to work. It just does. "Jeremy I think you should go. I'm gonna call it a day." I sighed and he nodded before saying bye and leaving.

I'm so not doing the right thing, aren't I?

There goes another chapter.

I just wanted to thank you guys for getting me more reads we hit 400+. Not too big of a number but the ones reading are still very much appreciated so thank you all for the reads. And if I'm being honest, I miss writing about Ryder and Mia as a couple but it's still pretty fun writing about them post-breakup along with all the teasing and taunting that's about to come with. ;)

Teaser for the next chapter up next.

Teaser: Tattoos.

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