Chapter 48

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Chapter 48: (Ryder's POV)

I was about to leave her house when her front door opened again and Grace and Ethan showed up. "You should really learn to use the doorbell." Mia sighed as she got up and walked over to them. They were standing there with a pillow each along with blankets. "What's going on?" Mia asked confused, referring to the blankets and pillows. "We're having a sleepover on the rooftop. Come on let's go!" Ethan explained before grabbing Mia's hand and pulling her up while Grace grabbed mine before throwing it away with a disgusted look. "I still hate you. But we're doing this for Mia. She's been feeling sad lately." Grace said before leading the way up to Mia's room with me following. "Guys, what the hell is really going on? A sleepover? Out of nowhere?" Mia questioned suspiciously. "A sleepover. Out of nowhere." Grace nodded. 

Something's not right. We've had sleepovers at Mia's rooftop a thousand times because it's like a terrace, safe and fun like mine if you like to dance on the edge like my drunk self did. Ethan told me about that. But something just feels suspicious. "Well, Grace and I wanted to have a rooftop sleepover but neither of our houses have a safe rooftop so yours was the next option." Ethan said before leaping out of her window and up to her rooftop, followed by Grace. "Hurry!" Grace yelled, leaving us with no time to grab blankets and pillows, or a jacket for Mia since I was wearing a hoodie, and having us go straight up.

"Let's play truth or truth since I don't think doing dares at this height is a safe option. Because even though our surroundings are safe, we'd manage to hurt ourselves." Ethan suggested as he pulled out some snacks. He came awfully prepared for a sleepover with friends unless this wasn't just a sleepover, it was a double date. I gave him a look which said 'I know what you're doing' and he just shrugged it off. "Ok Ryder, truth or truth?" he asked as he wrapped his arm around Grace. "Surprise me." I smiled sarcastically.

"Describe what your crush looks like." he shrugged casually.

"I don't have a crush." I lied. Well, at least I tried. Hey, that rhymed.

"Are you joking?" Ethan and Grace said at the same time while looking at me with a pathetic look, telling me loud and clear, that no one bought my lie. "Just describe Mia, it'll make life easier." Ethan laughed, earning a glare from me and a "Shut up, I'm not his crush." from Mia. "You are actually." I said, directing it to her, making her pinch the bridge of her nose. "Next." I said. "Grace, is there anything about your love life that you would change?" I asked her, hoping Ethan would take the hint. "I'd make the guy I like ask me out, next. Mia, True or false? You have a crush on Ryder?" Grace answered quickly before asking Mia her question.

"False. Ethan, who's one girl you've been dying to kiss?" Mia answered.

"We're not gonna play if you lie." Ethan said to her.

"Fine, true. Now answer." she groaned.

"Grace," he answered, turning a little red, making Grace blush too. The game went on for about ten minutes before we got bored of it. "Never have I ever?" Grace asked while Ethan pulled out apple juice and iced tea. "Couldn't exactly bring alcohol so..." he trailed off, making everyone crack up. "Never have I ever, cheated in a relationship." Grace said, no one took a sip. "Good." she glared at me. What the hell is that supposed to mean? "Never have I ever been in a real relationship." Ethan said, Grace didn't take a sip while Mia and I did.

"Never have I ever um-" Mia started but Ethan cut her off.

"Grace, can you come inside for a second? I need to talk to you." Ethan grabbed her hand pulled her in through the window and out of her room.

Well, now it's just us two. Sitting here without a blanket since Grace and Ethan took theirs inside, in an awkward silence. Looking at absolutely nothing. Great. The sun was setting and it was  basically dark out now and we were just sitting in a torturous silence. "Why is it so cold out?" she mumbled to herself but I heard her as I saw her rubbing her arms back and forth from my peripheral vision. I looked at her and saw her looking at me with pleading eyes. Oh no. "Can I please get your hoodie?" she pleaded. See normally, I'd hand it over to her in a heartbeat, but the problem is one, it's freezing out for some reason, probably because of the rain, and two, I'm not wearing a shirt under this and if I take my hoodie off then I'd be half naked and freezing. "Oh, don't give me that face. You should have grabbed a hoodie before coming up here." I chuckled as she continued to feel cold. Not gonna lie, it was a little amusing. 

"Ry, I'll freeze." she whined and complained. 

"Don't look at me like that." I said, looking in the other direction because her puppy face gets me every time. "Please? Pretty please?" she begged as she clung onto my arm. "Please? I don't feel like being mean or teasing right now, please?" she offered. 

"So you won't tease me the rest of the night and you'll be nice?" I arched an eyebrow at her. While she immediately nodded. "Fine." I sighed in defeat before taking it off and handing it over to her, my body flooding with goosebumps from the breeze of cold wind.

"I didn't know you weren't wearing-" she started, handing the hoodie back to me but I gave it back to her. "Just put it on." I shook my head with a smile before she gave me a grin and threw it over her head. She threw the hood on her head before leaning her head on my shoulder. We just sat in silence before Ethan and Grace came into her room and handed us a blanket. "Oh thank jesus." Mia mumbled before grabbing the blanket, wrapping it around herself. "Sorry." she apologized before she took it off of herself and wrapped her arms around me, while wrapping the blanket around me. 

"So I don't get my hoodie back now?" I asked, taking the blanket and wrapping it around both of us. "Nope." she shook her head while Ethan and Grace made their way back to the rooftop. 

"So you don't want to give him his hoodie back so he doesn't have a shirt on?" Ethan prompted Mia and before thinking she responded, "Yes. Wait no!" she screamed, blushing red, covering her face with the blanket, while Grace and Ethan started laughing and I sat there awkwardly trying to hide a smile.

This girl is not good for my ego. She makes me soft and that is not good.

"Well, we're gonna go and crash on the couch." Grace said, grabbing Ethan's hand and going back down. "Why'd you guys come back up here anyway?" Mia laughed as they got down to her room. "Just to hand you guys a blanket." Grace replied before leaving Mia's room with Ethan.

"Goodnight guys." They said before leaving.

"Night." Mia and I said in unison.

"Night Ryder." she sighed as she lay her head down in my lap.

"Night Mia." I smiled.

I am unconditionally in love with her.

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