Part 10

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On our way to school, Mikey keeps complaining about his soreness and asking why we did it right before school. No reply comes from me. I wonder why he couldn't just shut up and take it like a man because I will never blame myself for what I did.

"William, are you spacing out?"

"I'm not."

"Did you not hear what I was asking?"

"Why did we have to do it in the morning right before school? I heard, of course."

"So?" This bitch seems to refuse giving up until he gets the answer.

"Nothing in particular. I just wanted it so I did it." I glance at him. "And I expect you to quit complaining."

By his short silence, I know that the idea of I favor the 'good' boys more is finally getting through his head. He is shifting at his seat before changing the subject. "So, what class do you have today, William?"

Luckily, or perhaps unluckily for him, we don't share any class today so that I don't have to deal with his clingy behavior all day long. Really, he is very clingy. Not that I hate it, but I'm worried he could be gone to far with it. Scaring away other potential boys that may have my interest. And that's just as bad as it sounds. I will not let my bed lacking its warmth just because of him boring it, thank you very much.

We arrive at school about thirty minutes before first period starts. This time, I get to park my car at students area. Mikey shows me the way since it's not very strategic. Well, you can't expect much about this, teachers always come first. Perhaps, I'll just have the teachers area next time. This parking lot is closer to the back door of school building, so we heads straight to there once we get out of the car.

My eyes wander around. They have some courts like football, basketball and tennis court. But, no pool here. Of course, there is probably a frog pool under the trees or behind the bushes, for all I care. But they have no swimming pool outside here nor even an indoor one, I've checked it yesterday. Joy.

There are some benches scattered at this back field. Most of them are fully occupied with students. Boys and girls. Some are chatting animatedly with each other. Some other are busy working on their papers. And some other are doing nothing, just simply waiting for the school alarm. Then I feel somebody taps on my shoulder. I know it is not Mikey. He would probably just encircle my arm if he needs my attention.

"Hey, Dude." Someone is calling.

I turn around to find a blonde guy standing in front of three or four guys facing me. This guy is as tall as I am. He has the body of a quarterback. Not too big but far from thin, just muscly fit. And I guess most girls would find him quite handsome and attractive. His face reeks dominance. Looks like he is the alpha of his pack. The pack refers to those bunch of guys who are standing menacingly in front of me. Yes, they are menacing, or so they think.

"So, you're the new guy who beat the shit out of Fred yesterday?"

Fred? Is he talking about the bully who almost got his leg broken because of what he's done to Louis? I feel Mikey moves away a little from me. He looks scared of this guy and doesn't want to be seen with me. Who is he? What of him? I can't accept people got scared of anything else but me in my presence, more over because of being seen with me. It is me people should be scared of.

"And who is asking?" I ask flatly.

Smiling, he walks towards me and offers his hand for a shake. "I'm Ethan. And you are William, right? It's nice to see you."

I notice the boldness when he says the word 'nice' but choose to ignore it. I shake his hand and play along. I want to know what he is up to. So, I smile. "Believe me, I've heard your name since the first time I set my feet at this school but never have gotten to meet you. I was starting to think that you are just a myth."

Parting our hands, he laughs. "Am I that famous? Well, now you know, I'm alive and kicking."

"Yeah, I can see that." But not for long if you've decided to irritate me.

"So, I guess it's a good start for a friendship, don't you think?" He suggests.

Can he just stop smirking like that? I don't like it. I'm well aware that everyone now is staring at us. Even Mikey has moved further back off. As if something bad would happen very soon. "Sounds good to me." I keep my 'friendly' appearance in check. It's not hard for I've been learning it my whole life. I know how to speak and act properly. Well, I come from a respectful family anyway, true?

"That's great." He praises. "Don't worry, I'll let pass of what you've done to Fred. He can be stupid sometimes. But I don't expect that to happen again."

"Nothing will happen if he can just stop picking on Louis." I state nonchalantly.

And Ethan's only response is "We don't meddle in anyone's business. Especially friends'."

"And who are these friends? Those stupid bullies?" Now it's my turn to smirk.

He pauses a while before answers. "I believe you wouldn't be as stupid when I said I don't expect that to happen again."

"Are you trying to tell me what to do?"

"I'm offering you friendship so you don't have to waste your potentials on petty things."

"What are you? a bunch of elites?"

"That's just how people sees us. And if you want to be part-"

"Look," I cut his line. "Honestly, no body tells me what to do." This conversation is over. I know what he is up to. Keeping me on his side instead of making enemy. Why? Because he doesn't think he can beat me, and that is so true. But his attitude is already getting on my nerve.

Silence falls for a while before he finally speaks. "Alright, so I guess you have declined my offer. And I have to remind you about the next time we meet, it might not be this friendly." With that, Ethan walks pass me to the building door. His friends are following right away.

Tch, do I look like I care?



Ethan's first appearance.

Him or William, who sounds more arrogant?

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