Part 30

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A/N: I apologize for the 2 days delay.. I was in a company outing with no access to laptop, therefore I couldn't post an update.. 


As days turn to weeks, school is getting friendlier with Louis. He no longer receives any form of abuse; no dumpsters, no drink spilling, no bruises, no spit, no names, nothing. And now his body is progressively recovering. I can't be any happier knowing that if it wasn't for me, he would never get to experience a wonderful high school life. All thanks to myself.

Some people now even invite him in some group discussions without being afraid of getting intimidated by the bullies. And those bullies are no longer daring to show their faces whenever I'm with Louis. I'm not sure why it matters, but I'm glad if he always feels safe with me.

Now that his life has turned 180 degrees, I have to keep reminding him of whom he truly belongs to. Louis' circle of friends grows bigger everyday. Apparently, people have finally acknowledged his genuine and kind heart. He often involves in some friendly chatter with them, and that includes some laughter, giggle, and shoulder tapping. I let him know that I don't like that. So he better try to avoid those friendly gestures the best he can. And when I ask him not to be too close with anybody, I know he will not fail me.

"Do you love him?" I stop myself from kissing the fair skin of somebody's neck before me.

"What does that mean?" I ask.

"Your boyfriend Louis," Mikey says, "Do you even love him?"

"Is that even your business?" I ask him with a stern face. I hate it when people start poking their noses in on my private life.

"No, it's not, and I don't mean to pry- but why did you ask him to be your boyfriend? I mean, I'm better than him in every way, right?"

"Damn it, Mi." Big-mouthed bitches have always been somewhat of a turn off button for me. I don't just need some overly confident boy. They may be able to feed my sexual needs, but they can never satisfy my undying lust for power. I have the need to control and to rule people's life. And for me, my Louis is just perfect.

"Come on, William. Admit it.", Mikey keeps proposing his idea. "He may be pretty, but that's all, nothing more, and you know it. He doesn't even know how to take care of you because you wouldn't be here with me if he did. Am I right?"

"Shut up, Mi," I snap at him, "No one insults my boyfriend!" Insulting my property means insulting my pride as well.

"You're defending him? Why? What do you see in him, William?"

Shut up. It's just a simple order, but he can't even do it. He doesn't know how to f*cking obey. And this lesser dares comparing himself to my perfect Louis? He really does need a wake up call.

"Listen carefully," I warn him, "I'd never want a whore like you to be my boyfriend, you get that? So, don't you even dream about it!"

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