Part 16

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I sense Louis' uneasiness as my car pulls into my house driveway. He keeps shifting on his seat once in a while. He even looks away every time I direct my glance at him.

"Is everything okay?" I ask him.

"Yes, it is." He looks down, feeling ashamed that I notice his nervous state.

"I don't like liars. You look uneasy. Why?" I sound a little stern.

"Sorry. It's just... uh..." He tries to find the right words to describe his current feeling. "I'm not used to come over friend's house, even Tim's. So, I think, I just have no idea how to... uh... simply act." His face flushes from embarrassment. "Moreover, I never know that your house is a... freaking castle. God knows how respectable your parents are. And to know that I'm about to set my insignificant foot on their place, I just... don't know how I am suppose to behave."

I know very well about Louis having a self-confidence issue, but I never thought it was this bad. Seriously, does he even know what pride is? "Your anxiety is very unnecessary."


"I know what's good for you." I cut his sentence before he manages to continue. "That's why I bring you here instead of your house. I will never put you in any difficult situations. Do you trust me?"

He thinks about it for a while and finally nods. "Yes. I do. I'm sorry."

"Don't say sorry. Just listen to me when I tell you what to do and don't. Can you remember that, Lou?" I throw him a side glance and calm him with a smile.

"Yes... uh... I think I can." He blushes a little. I know how charming I look when I smile.

Then I reach out to him and starts stroking his black hair softly. "Even if my parents are around, I still wouldn't want you to act out just to impress them. I want you to be yourself."

"Your parents aren't at home?"

I shake my head. "They passed away five years ago."

"Oh, my God. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." We both get out of the car after I park my car in the garage. I lead him inside the house. Half-dragging him since he looks very nervous upon entering the living area.

"Master Young, you're home." Ellie welcome me with a little surprised expression. Probably didn't expect me to come home this early. Then she shifts her gaze to Louis. "Sir, are you injured?"

"Oh, please just call me Louis. And I'm fine. Really." Louis replies quickly.

"Ellie, I want orange juice to be delivered to my room." I distract her from observing Louis.

"Yes, Sir. I'll get it. And you Master Louis, what would you like to have?" She asks Louis.

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