Part 25

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"Remember what I told you?" I question Louis as we both arrive right outside the classroom of his second period. If you are asking whether I walk him to his class or not, well, he is my boyfriend and I see other kids normally do that to their girlfriends, so do I.

"Yes, I do." He replies quickly while shooting glances to every passer byes around us. The look in his eyes is clearly showing about his current wish to just be invisible and insignificant to our surroundings, especially this very moment.

But that will not do. My possessions are never something insignificant. So I have to make a little announcement. I gently hold his chin, ignore his questioning look, and simply attack his tempting soft lips with a deep kiss. Such sudden public display spontaneously drives his hands up to shove me on the chest. But I don't budge until I'm satisfied. And I smirk at him as we both part.

"What are you doing?" He voices his question in a hiss.

"Can't help it, Lou. You got distracted." I speak softly.

"But, I didn't-."

"I can't have my baby splitting his attention in my presence. Is that understood?"

"I just-" He is still making effort to deny my accusation. But I know what I saw, so I place my index finger on his lips to stop his attempt.

"You understand, no, Baby?" I make my voice to sound a bit like pleading. I really don't expect any more protest from him. And he has to understand that.

For some time, he stares silently at my eyes before finally nodding. "Yes. Of course."

I reply him with a broad loving smile. I'm very much pleased knowing that my Louis doesn't let me down. I pull him closer as if it is possible and hug him dearly.

"I'm sorry, William." He whispers and I can feel his soft breath blowing on my neck. "I was just worried if I got too uh... you know... bold."

"It's alright, Lou."

I let him go when I sense awkwardness in his gesture. Then I find him looking at something through my shoulder with that dreamy expression. What the hell? I turn around and see Tim walking closer, but he doesn't see us. He looks so seriously drawn in his note book. Then my attention draws back at Louis. I pull his chin so that he can look straight in to my eyes.

"Remember what I told you?" I ask again. Just to remind him.

He nods. "Yes."

"What is it?" It's just a reminder.

"Not to sit and talk with Tim in every classes I share with him." He speaks with a slightly sad tone.

"Don't even look in his direction, okay?"

He nods again, with a certain amount of doubt coloring his eyes.

"You've been through so much pain all this time, Lou. And now that you're mine, I can't let that happen anymore. I need you to understand why I do this, I don't want that stupid boy lashing out more cruelty on you. Moreover, when I'm not around. So please ease my worry, Baby, just stay away from him. For your own good. Okay?" Now I sound like I'm begging. But I don't care. He is my boyfriend. He needs to listen to me.

"Yes." He nods again, with more certainty this time. "Don't worry." An adorable smile curves out of his delicious-looking lips. Ones that the taste I'm always so curious about. Inclining my body, I touch that beautiful pair with my lips, but never deepen the kiss.

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